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Good Day everyone!
I have a new laptop that I've loaded Arch 0.7 onto and everything is working great except 'primarily' the display resolution. Its a Toshiba Qosmio G15. I currently have Arch 0.7 dual booting with Windows Media Center edition and VMware VM's of Ubuntu 5.10, Mandrake 10.2, Gentoo 2005 and Solaris 10 on it.
I'm running all the updated packages (pacman -Syu).
I've piddled around with my xorg.conf for a few hours trying to get it to go into 1440x900 mode, and so far I can only get as far as 1152x768 or 1152x864. I've tried the hdw xorg.conf and as far as it will get me is 1024x768. I even booted the ubuntu live cd which recognizes everything perfectly as 1440x900 and tried copying the xorg.conf from it. Still no go.
The xorg.conf from hdw had all the fully filled out modelines like: ModeLine "1024x768" 94.5 1024 1072 1168 1376 768 769 772 808 +hsync +vsync
But none for the correct resolution I'm looking for "1440x900". I'm not sure how to create a correct one for that resolution?
My current xorg.conf is mostly from the ubuntu build that loads perfect, but it doesn't list any ModeLine's at all.
Thanks in advance for any help at all!
Some of the world's greatest feats were
accomplished by people not smart enough
to know they were impossible.
-- Doug Larson
Have you tried to edit it through xorgcfg -textmode?
In "configure screen" section there's a setting for 1400 1050.
Not what you wanted but its close...
Please post the Monitor, Device, and Screen sections of your xorg.conf.
Have you tried simply setting the Modes to 1440x900, and nothing else? What happens?
try the info here: … stallation
it works on my laptop... there's a small 3 letter app which can build modelines but I can't recall it
Thank you for your help on this!
Yes, I tried 1440x900 with no other settings. That's actually how I have it now. It allows me to go up to 1152x768, but that's it. ;-)
To the previous question on 1400x1050.. Yes I tried that also. It was in the modelines from the hdw config that I had, but since my monitor will only support up to x900, it wouldn't work either.
My existing 'abbreviated' conf settings are below, I've download the nvidia driver (pacman -S nvidia) and tried changing the driver below from nv to nvidia, but X complained and wouldn't start, so I'm back to the 'nv' driver below:
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
Option "DPMS" "true"
# Option "DPMS"
# HorizSync 28-72
# VertRefresh 43-60
HorizSync 28.0 - 96.0 # Warning: This may fry old Monitors
VertRefresh 50.0 - 75.0 # Very conservative. May flicker.
Section "Device"
Identifier "Card0"
Driver "nv"
VendorName "All"
BoardName "All"
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Card0"
Monitor "Monitor0"
DefaultColorDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Depth 1
Modes "1440x900"
.................section ommited for message brevity sake..............
SubSection "Display"
Depth 24
Modes "1440x900"
Some of the world's greatest feats were
accomplished by people not smart enough
to know they were impossible.
-- Doug Larson
Thank you all for your help.
phrakture, your method worked perfectly. It's nice to have my desktop space back. :-)
Thanks again guys!
Some of the world's greatest feats were
accomplished by people not smart enough
to know they were impossible.
-- Doug Larson
/me flexes
show off
*throws cactus banana*