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I have just booted my system to be greated by error about bug in kernel (btrfs module).
My system is up to date, latest kernel, mkinitcpio etc. I upgraded after this bug with memory card reader hoping that it will be fixed.
And system crashed uppon inserting memory card, then I rebooted and got this btrfs bug. (yes, i checked all .pacnew files after upgrade)
I do not use compression, becouse there was bug with that in kernel .37
I booted in my install on usb disk to check it out. And when I mount that btrfs partition same error happens and system crashes.
Now I am downloading Linux Mint to inspect it from there. I can't post any logs becouse there is nothing relevant in there.
Please help, I need my system operational within hours.
All my config data and personal stuff is on seperate ext4 partition, so moving to other distro is easy. Im thinking about #! linux.
Do you think it is solid replacement for Arch?
So you want to replace your distro because of a bug in an unstable filesystem?? Btrfs is not ready for production use and you should know that when using it, furthermore arch does not recommend btrfs in any way.
So if you like arch but don't want bugs like these, just put your data on a stable filesystem.
No, I want to change distro because of need of frequent system maintenance and few situations like this one, when I really need something trivial (like mount SD card) and then you run into troubles. I'm using arch over 3 years now, and so far it worked that way. But as amount of my free time decreases, so my need for stable system increases.
However, about btrfs, I've been using it since kernel .36, I installed it just to give it a try. It worked well. Untill now.
My data is on separate partition using ext4, so no harm done with this, beside me booting from usb drive.
I still don't understand what happened to that btrfs partition. I can't mount it anyhow. Even Linux Mint freezes when I try to mount it (it uses .35 kernel).
So I will just format it and reinstall something over it.
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