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Hi all,
I started using the archiso project to create livecds and am simply amazed, what a great job!
I am using it to make an image of my computer so that I can restore quickly or run from a thumbdrive.
It has been enormously helpful for me to have the ability to run from a thumbdrive with all the software I already need pre-installed and ready to go. So, naturally, I was thinking it would probably be helpful for others. I was thinking that the image could be customized by a remote user, queued up in the system and built. Users can configure the image through a web interface, android, web-dav, git, etc. and then finally build the image.
The main thing I wanted to accomplish was getting all the necessary software for the particular hardware (wireless drivers, video drivers, etc.). As more and more users build their systems, it could potentially make setting up systems easier as there would be less guesswork.
Anyone else have an interest?
I've been interested in this, at least in the abstract. I looked into archiso pretty extensively but came away unsure if it was the best approach for hardware targeted customization. It may still be.
Right now I'm using a post-base-install bash script to prep for specific systems. I like this since it's lightweight.
Regardless of the methodology, I'd be interested in talking about best approach to creating more hardware targeted bundles/install/scripts.
Last edited by altercation (2011-05-24 21:44:08)
Ethan Schoonover
Precision Colors -
Hi Ethan,
Well, it can be broken down into smaller parts. Do you want to create a wiki page?
a. Low-level
1. get all the drivers for the hardware pre-installed
2. get all the software pre-installed
3. pre-setup any configuration (lvm2, crypt, users, services, etc.)
b. High-level
1. lower the barrier to Linux
2. simplify backup / restore process
a. after a user gets his/her system up and running with the drivers/software they want, permit generation of a backup/restore disc that backs up any additional configuration from the default
a. package list
1. hardware detection
2. additional software
b. additional configuration
1. scm (git, svn, mercurial, ...)
2. archive (zip, tar, ... )
c. interface to queue builds
1. authentication / authorization
2. queueing / scheduling
d. interface for notification of completed build
Last edited by walterjwhite (2011-05-25 02:37:30)
I would be interested in helping implement this, possibly. Depends on the language
[home page] -- [code / configs]
"Once you go Arch, you must remain there for life or else Allan will track you down and break you."
-- Bregol
Hi Ethan,
Well, it can be broken down into smaller parts. Do you want to create a wiki page?
You wrote up a good starting list. I'd like to inventory what's out there right now first. What is the Arch landscape of related projects, etc.
Some further questions:
Goal? I want to see if I'm on the same page here.
I'm not sure that ISOs are/aren't the best solution. They might be, but see the list below for alternatives. I'd rather clearly define the problem first. I think it's something like "we all put in lots of work getting Arch customized on specific hardware and don't want to reinvent the wheel each time we reinstall". An added benefit is sharing this with others on the same hardware. How important is iteration/contributions by others? How much of a barrier is ISO creation? Wiki pages are low barrier to contribution. Git higher, but building ISOs will be higher yet. Any solution could be a combination of different components, of course (documentation + repo + ISO, for instance).
What do the Arch devs think of this, what work has been done previously? They might have insight or roadmaps in this area. Information gathering if nothing else.
What implementation patterns are there? Examples (in roughly increasing order of complexity):
Current 'freeform wiki instructions for specific hardware'
Templated instructions
Templated instructions plus scripts
Templated instructions plus scripts, files, downloads
AUR package
Brew like github repo/project
Custom iso per hardware
Are you envisioning a single system with recipes for different hardware? Or multiple independent projects conforming to a template? I like the homebrew model of formulas; applicable here?
Ultimately I *do* want a restore solution and I've always envisioned a custom ISO previously, but having given it further thought I'm not sure that's the only part of this, or even the core part. It might just be one 'build artifact' of a larger project.
Ethan Schoonover
Precision Colors -
Hi Ethan,
Looks like I have to re-type my message so I'll try to get it right.
1. Yes, ISO's may not be the best solution, especially if you have to rebuild an entire ISO each time you add/remove a package. Community contribution is important. Ideally, it would be nice to have an auto-detection script which determines what drivers are needed. From a development perspective, that script could merely be included on the standard Arch Linux install image. Then if you want to take it a step further and create a backup/restore image, you could do that. For instance, BTRFS and LVM2 support snapshotting, perhaps if we have incremental changes, snapshots can automatically be created allowing users to rollback to another state.
3. Ideally, I would like less documentation and more automation. While Arch Linux has some of the most up-to-date documentation, it would be nice to just have a working system without having to do any reading.
4. I am envisioning a system in which the drivers are automatically set based on the hardware. Then a user can customize their system. Any configuration files that need to be updated to refer to that driver should also be updated / generated (Xorg).
Yes, having a restore disc handy gives me some piece of mind even though in reality, you rarely need to restore.
Fedora has something similar called kickstart and reviser.
You can create one file that images yor current install and change it after, like adding packages or repos. (It will download like a net install) You can install the whole system with the one text file or make an iso. Also uses pxe. Maybe see how it's done here for some help. Sounds exactly like what you're descibing.
Hi Defears,
Yes, I have used that in the past. That would be a good starting point.
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