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#1 2011-05-26 16:29:47

From: Milwaukee, WI
Registered: 2009-12-05
Posts: 483

Huawei EC1705 won't connect... (Cricket Wireless)

Network manager sits in an infinite "connecting" loop... detects the modem just fine, already did the modeswitch.  This is a continuation of the thread about the modem of the same model and wicd...: … 70#p939270

Things I plan to test/attempt to solve this issue:
installing mobile-broadband-provider-info package
adding user to rfkill, network and networkmanager groups
figuring out how to add username and password information for the ISP using networkmanager (could use help figuring out what I need to do to get this info... ISP is Cricket Wireless. If anyone has input, would appreciate having it.

can't think of (or find) any other possible solutions (and running low on time), so I will end this post so people can reply.  If I figure this out with the methods above, I will post as soon as possible...

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