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I preformed an update on a machine that is being used as a fileserver and had to reboot it to make sure some other configuration changes took effect. I'm pretty sure one of the updates was for the kernel so it is now on the latest version in the repos. I was working on the machine remotely and noticed that it did not come back up. When I got to the machine it was prompting for the root password because it could not preform a filesystem check on the md device the drives on the controller as part of. When I entered the root password and got into the system I could not assemble the raid device and that the 6 drives were not showing up. I double checked my mkinitcpio config and regenerated the image since I thought that was the problem at first, but when I rebooted the machine I noticed an error at boot saying something along the lines of "scsi_alloc_sdev Device Allocation Failure some devices may not be allocated". From what I can tell the controller is working properly and it spins up all the drives and they all show up in the BIOS during boot, but then throws that error 6 times continues to boot and then hangs up at the filesystem check. The controller was working fine before and offically supports linux so I'm guessing it was the kernel update. The card is a Super Micro AOC-SASLP-MV8 and as far as I can tell doesn't need an extra driver. … LP-MV8.cfm
The only thing I've been able to find on this so far is this post on ubuntuforums, … 03589.html, but the post is pretty old so I don't think it is the same kernel issue, but I haven't looked to for issues with that specific card yet. Has anyone else had this issue or does anyone else know how to solve this?
I switched to the LTS kernel and that fixed the problem, so it looks like the latest kernel broke compatibility with that controller. I'm not sure if I should mark this solved since the issue is not really "fixed". I guess I should start looking to see if someone already submitted a bug report or not.
Well, now the system has kernel panic'd and I wont be able to get to it until Tuesday since it didn't come back up after I got someone to reboot it, just lovely. I guess I'll be posting more information then.