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#1 2011-05-26 22:52:55

From: Portugal
Registered: 2010-12-16
Posts: 157

Problems with Gnome3 GDM (only wallpaper is visible)

Hi Everyone,

To start sorry for my bad english.

Today I made a fresh install of Arch Linux with Gnome3... So like for my other's pc's I made the fallowing procedure :

pacman -S xorg xorg-xinit gdm gnome gnome-extra nvidia

But the problem is, after rebooting and adding gdm and dbus to the rc.conf file, GDM start's but only with the wallpaper, I can only see the wallpaper, no panel, no box.. nothing :S....

How can I solve the problem ?

Thanks in advance,
Luis Da Costa


#2 2011-05-27 08:33:34

From: Portugal
Registered: 2010-12-16
Posts: 157

Re: Problems with Gnome3 GDM (only wallpaper is visible)

I think it's a bug with the Nvidia drivers.... I have made a lot of testes with the 3 available drivers for Nvidia and this is the results :

PS : I am using an Asus Nvidia 9800GT.

nv -- A black screen with glitches and little peaces of color everywhere... NOT WORKING
nouveau -- All work very well ! But not 3D... so no Shell only Fallback :S (glxgears give me arount 1500 frames in 5 secondes.. not bad)
nvidia -- A black screen, then my screen shutdown and say's "Not connected or Out of range".

I have tried the same old Xorg.conf I've been using for a long (which work's beautifully) but nothing... not a single image..

Am I alone with this problem with the nvidia oficial drivers :S ?


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