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Nice job resurrecting this little project, Guff; I installed it minutes after you first opened this thread.
Here's a simple question: One can use makepkg -o through ABS to get slim.conf, and manually place it in /etc. Ignoring the fact that this bypasses pacman's databases (a single file, so easy enough to deal with), is this enough to keep slimlock running properly? I'm on the road right now, without a LiveCd to take care of any problems I might cause.
That should work. Of course, you also need at least one SLiM theme in the proper place for slimlock to be able to actually display anything.
Actually, based on how the configuration loading works, I think you might be able to just copy the relevant bits from slim.conf into slimlock.conf and you wouldn't even need slim.conf. This is untested, though. And you'd still need a theme.
Understood, I just didn't think about the themes when I posted; I'd have figured that out quickly enough (at least, I should hope that I would...). This of course ups the number of files I'd need to keep track of, unless I play around with the PKGBUILD to get rid of the slim dependency. This sounds like a little project for when I get home. Thanks for the feedback!
Yes, slimlock works fine without slim installed, as long as /etc/slim.conf and /usr/share/slim/themes/<your_theme> are present.
Yes, slimlock works fine without slim installed, as long as /etc/slim.conf and /usr/share/slim/themes/<your_theme> are present.
I thought so. I think for now slim should still be a dependency, though. After all, the slim themes all depend on it.
I've just updated slimlock-git to the newest version, but it won't kick in after 60 seconds of no mouse/keyboard activity. The file in /etc/slimlock.conf is there, am I missing something? Is there a command I have to run to have it waiting in the background?
If you can't sit by a cozy fire with your code in hand enjoying its simplicity and clarity, it needs more work. --Carlos Torres
I've just updated slimlock-git to the newest version, but it won't kick in after 60 seconds of no mouse/keyboard activity. The file in /etc/slimlock.conf is there, am I missing something? Is there a command I have to run to have it waiting in the background?
Hmm, works for me. And that's all you need to do.
Do you have anything inhibiting the screensaver/DPMS? Video players, music players, anything like that?
Do you have DPMS enabled before starting slimlock? Only other thing I can think of is that maybe the order of DPMSSetTimeouts and DPMSEnable should be reversed, but that would only matter (if it matters) when DPMS is disabled before starting slimlock.
Edit: Oh wait, I'm not sure I understand you right. Do you mean the screen isn't blanking after 60 seconds when running slimlock, or do you mean slimlock isn't starting after 60 seconds idle?
Last edited by Guff (2011-05-24 21:30:32)
Just added a configuration option for the password timeout. Just in case someone accidentally sets it to a huge or negative number, it maxes out at 60 seconds. I figured some folks, myself included, don't really care much for the timeout, so it can just be set to 0 to be disabled.
Still working on the imlib2 stuff, but my attention is split between this and a site I'm trying to set up. Dunno how long it'll take.
I'd also like a feature which would monitor the mouse/keyboard activity and automatically lock,I guess you can make something like a daemon for this?I think you can look at xscreensaver's source and get an idea? here is the dl page :
Last edited by nixfag (2011-05-27 14:18:35)
I'd also like a feature which would monitor the mouse/keyboard activity and automatically lock,I guess you can make something like a daemon for this?I think you can look at xscreensaver's source and get an idea? here is the dl page :
I don't see why this feature is needed, when something like xautolock can be used to do just that.
Plus, making slimlock daemonic would add a good deal of complexity. If you can make a good argument for it, though, you might change my mind. I just don't see it as necessary at this point, but if there's a good reason for adding it I might reconsider.
Last edited by Guff (2011-05-27 15:14:34)
Okay, neat. Finally got Imlib2 working. Image loading should be much, much faster now. Might be unnoticeable for some of the background images, but some of the larger ones should load much more quickly.
Let me know if I missed anything and/or introduced new bugs.
Nice, fairly interesting project!
Nice project.
The DPMS settings is only blanking my primary screen. The secondary stay on.
Cedric Girard
Nice project.
The DPMS settings is only blanking my primary screen. The secondary stay on.
Ah, I figured there might be some issues with multi-screen setups. I'm not sure how to fix this, though, as the DPMS functions only take a display argument, not screens. I'll look into it, but it's hard for me to test given that I only have one screen.
X-dark wrote:Nice project.
The DPMS settings is only blanking my primary screen. The secondary stay on.
Ah, I figured there might be some issues with multi-screen setups. I'm not sure how to fix this, though, as the DPMS functions only take a display argument, not screens. I'll look into it, but it's hard for me to test given that I only have one screen.
If I have some time I'll look into the code.
Cedric Girard
If I have some time I'll look into the code.
Okay, thanks.
Do you use any other things that enable DPMS, and do they blank each screen properly?
Nope I don't. I was using slock which dropped DMPS support before I used it.
Cedric Girard
Nope I don't. I was using slock which dropped DMPS support before I used it.
Well, think you could try xscreensaver? With xscreensaver-demo, you could configure the timeout to be a minute and see if that works as expected. If it does, I'll take another look at xscreensaver's code to see what it's doing differently.
If not, I've got one idea, but it seems icky and wrong and not likely to work if the world is fair and just: making a connection to X for each individual screen, using that screen as the default for the display. That just doesn't sound right, though, and I really don't see why it isn't working as is. Hrm.
No, xscreensaver has the same behavior.
Cedric Girard
No, xscreensaver has the same behavior.
Would you mind changing some code and recompiling? Just one small thing: in const.h, change DISPLAY from ":0.0" to ":0.1". That change won't fix anything, I just want to see if it changes which screen blanks. If so, then I've got something to work with. If not, I'm afraid you're out of luck, unfortunately.
No it does not work :
slimlock: cannot open display
The thing is my desktop is an extended desktop. Xorg only see one display: ":0.0".
Cedric Girard
xset dpms force off
xset -display ':0.0' dpms force off
do blank both monitors.
Cedric Girard
xset dpms force off
xset -display ':0.0' dpms force off
do blank both monitors.
What about
xset dpms force standby
I just looked at the code for xset, and it appears to be doing the same thing slimlock is so I'm a bit befuddled.
Last edited by Guff (2011-06-01 14:28:28)
What about
xset dpms force standby
I just looked at the code for xset, and it appears to be doing the same thing slimlock is so I'm a bit befuddled.
It does the same thing as slimlock. The secondary screen is temporary blanked and then unblanked.
Cedric Girard
Guff wrote:What about
xset dpms force standby
I just looked at the code for xset, and it appears to be doing the same thing slimlock is so I'm a bit befuddled.
It does the same thing as slimlock. The secondary screen is temporary blanked and then unblanked.
That's odd.
What about
xset dpms force suspend
This makes very little sense.
Same as standby: blank both and then unblank secondary.
Well, I start to think that if nobody else is able to reproduce the behavior I get, maybe there is a problem somewhere else on my side.
Cedric Girard