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I see, so it's not that. The error at startup is "error: unexpectedly disconnected from boot status daemon". Any ideas what might have gone wrong?
build() {
#add_device /dev/fb0 c 29 0
add_dir /dev/pts
add_dir /usr/share/plymouth/themes
PLYMOUTH_MODULE_NAME="$(grep "ModuleName *= *" ${DATADIR}/plymouth/themes/${PLYMOUTH_THEME_NAME}/${PLYMOUTH_THEME_NAME}.plymouth | sed 's/ModuleName *= *//')"
PLYMOUTH_PLUGIN_PATH="$(plymouth --get-splash-plugin-path)"
add_binary /sbin/plymouthd /bin/plymouthd
add_binary /bin/plymouth
add_file ${DATADIR}/plymouth/themes/text/text.plymouth
add_file ${DATADIR}/plymouth/themes/details/details.plymouth
add_file /etc/system-release /etc/system-release
add_file /etc/plymouth/plymouthd.conf
echo "The default plymouth plugin (${PLYMOUTH_MODULE_NAME}) doesn't exist" > /dev/stderr
exit 1
add_binary ${PLYMOUTH_PLUGIN_PATH}/renderers/
add_binary ${PLYMOUTH_PLUGIN_PATH}/renderers/
add_binary ${PLYMOUTH_PLUGIN_PATH}/renderers/
if [ -d ${DATADIR}/plymouth/themes/${PLYMOUTH_THEME_NAME} ]; then
for x in ${DATADIR}/plymouth/themes/${PLYMOUTH_THEME_NAME}/* ; do
[ ! -f "$x" ] && break
add_file $x
# suppress a warning in glib (which the label control uses)
# about uid 0 by building a dummy NSS stack (LP #649917)
add_file /etc/passwd
add_file /etc/nsswitch.conf
add_binary "$(readlink -e /lib/"
add_file /lib/
helpmsg() {
This hook includes plymouth in the initramfs image.
What about fbsplash? I can't get it working.
Tested with syslinux, btrfs, lzop and it works fine. It even is damn fast ! However, I've got warnings when using your preset :
[22:47 root /home] geninit -p kernel26
==> Building image from preset: kernel26-default
-> -k /boot/vmlinuz26 -c /etc/geninit.conf -g /boot/initramfs-ARCH
==> Starting build: 2.6.38-ARCH
-> Building: [base]
-> Building: [udev]
-> Building: [autodetect]
-> Building: [ata]
-> Building: [scsi]
-> Building: [btrfs]
-> Building: [filesystems]
==> Generating module dependencies
==> Creating lzop initramfs: /boot/initramfs-ARCH
7515 blocks
==> WARNING: Errors were encountered during creation. The image may not be complete.
==> Building image from preset: kernel26-failsafe
-> -k /boot/vmlinuz26 -c /etc/geninit.conf -g /boot/initramfs-ARCH-failsafe -S autodetect
==> Starting build: 2.6.38-ARCH
-> Building: [base]
-> Building: [udev]
-> Building: [ata]
-> Building: [scsi]
-> Building: [btrfs]
-> Building: [filesystems]
==> Generating module dependencies
==> Creating lzop initramfs: /boot/initramfs-ARCH-failsafe
20839 blocks
==> WARNING: Errors were encountered during creation. The image may not be complete.
Where can I check for a more complete explanation on what went wrong ?
Huh. That's interesting... Something is tripping an error but not giving (seemingly benign) output. I also can't reproduce it against a stock 2.6.39 kernel. It's going to be exceedingly noisy, but I'd say run:
# export PS4='+$BASH_SOURCE[$LINENO]:'; bash -x geninit -g foo.img
Look for a '++errors' statement. You could also feel free to dump this to a file and pastie it somewhere and I'll sort through it. Thanks for testing.
Did you have this explicitly added in the modules array?
I just copy/pasted mkinitcpio.conf stuff. I think the installer added the module, I never used crypto on my disk...
Anyway, thank you for your help, I hope your project will be full-featured soon ! That way geninit could become the default option
crc32c is used by btrfs. Anyways, it'd be nice if you could post the full config so I can try to recreate this -- i'd like to be able to build a test framework based on config files at some point.
Last edited by falconindy (2011-06-02 00:38:58)
Something else, my extlinux.conf has the following argument in the boot line : rootflags=rw
In the man page I can read : "Do not attempt to pass flags such as "rw" or "relatime" here."
Booting with the flag works fine with mkinitcpio but fail with geninit. Can you make it smoother ? Maybe ignore the flag, put a warning and mount ro ?
I'd rather ask you why you opt to mount your root as rw right away. It's a poor idea that leads to the partition never being fsck'd. If you desperately want to mount the drive rw, just pass 'rw' as a separate argument, independent of rootflags. I could parse this field and make it a bit friendlier, but I really don't see the need. While root is mounted RO, the filesystem non-specific flags don't really matter. When root is remounted rw, flags are taken from /etc/fstab and root is mounted properly.
Thanks for posting the configs -- it answers my earlier question regarding crc32c being in your modules array.
update: fixed
Last edited by falconindy (2011-06-02 18:14:39)
I'll be merging most of the awesomeness here into mkinitcpio. I deem this experiment a great success.
Last edited by falconindy (2011-06-11 22:29:42)