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Pages: 1
Hello everyone,
I am taking a Spanish class, and I wanted to be able to type the accent marks. I also use the dvorak keyboard. I was trying to get the Dvorak keyboard international layout to load and I had some trouble. When I did the command "setxkbmap dvorak" it loads the dvorak keyboard no problems. However, when I did the command "setxkbmap dvorak-intl" I got an error: "Error loading new keyboard description"
Fortunately, I read somewhere that there were two dvorak keyboards in Xorg; a dvorak layout, and a dvorak variant of the US layout. By first switching to the US keyboard "setxkbmap us" and then switching to the dvorak-intl variant "setxkbmap -variant dvorak-intl", I was able to successfully load the dvorak international keyboard.
Welcome to the forums :-)
Can you please add this info to the wiki?
Pages: 1