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OK I know it was stupid, but now I need suggestions on the best way to get out of it.
I managed to copy a 64-bit kernel pacman.conf onto my 32-bit machine, which now refuses to boot. Does anyone have suggestions on the best way to remedy this without doing a complete reinstall? I suppose a CD or USB is the place to start.
64-bit kernel pacman.conf
I'm not sure if I get this right: you copied 64-bit kernel to a 32-bit system? If so, try this: use a liveCD/ liveUSB to boot your computer, chroot into your Arch install and use pacman to install the right kernel.
Last edited by karol (2011-06-04 19:56:39)
Your statements are confusing. Did you upgrade the kernel and pacman from a 64 bit repo?
A 64 bit kernel should be able to work with a 32 bit userland, but I suppose it needs some further tweaking beyond a measle pacman -Syu.
Got Leenucks? :: Arch: Power in simplicity :: Get Counted! Registered Linux User #392717 :: Blog thingy
Yeah I used the 64-bit repo when I did pacman -Syu
boot into a live cd, check in the logs which packages you installed from the wrong arch, fix pacman.conf, chroot into arch and reinstall them. You can check which packages you messed up by running
ls /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ |grep x86_64 … installing
this may help also
If it ain't broke, broke it then fix it.
Yeah that wiki will help thanks.
OK tried to chroot but I got a "chroot: cannot run command '/bin/bash': Exec format error" error. The chroot wiki says this is because the two architectures don't match. Well, probably because I put the x64 system on there. I used a 32-bit live CD of course. Any ideas how to get around this? Surely a 64-bit liveCD won't work. Argh.
Update. I tried
setarch linux32 chroot . /bin/bash
but I got the same error.
Last edited by sfabius (2011-06-05 23:47:06)
I am going to try some of the pacman options. Since I was going to chroot, I have mounted my original system on /mnt/arch. So, I will fix the pacman.conf, then:
pacman --dbpath /mnt/arch/var/lib/pacman --root /mnt/arch -v --arch i686 --cachedir /mnt/arch/var/cache/pacman/pkg \
--config /mnt/arch/etc/pacman.conf -Syyu
You can reinstall bash using:
pacman -S --arch i686 -r /mnt/<arch_install>/ bash
"--arch" seems not to be an option anymore...
OK so I tried this:
pacman --dbpath /mnt/arch/var/lib/pacman --root /mnt/arch -v --cachedir /mnt/arch/var/cache/pacman/pkg \
--config /mnt/arch/etc/pacman.conf -Syy <list of packages>
But I get an error for every package in the local directory:
error: could not open file /mnt/arch/var/lib/pacman/local/<pkg-name>/depends: No such file or directory
There's one for 'depends' and 'files' for every package in the directory. I tried it with a single package and it reports an error every package there too, but then it downloads the package (giving me hope...) but then gives me the same error but just for the package I'm trying to install, reports that it is installing the package, and then
error: command failed to execute correctly
Suggestions are quite welcome; I may need to reinstall
Tried pacman-db-upgrade (pacman was v3.3 on the live CD), but apparently the local repo was in the old format. Anyone know how to run pacman-db-upgrade and specify the db?
Tried pacman-db-upgrade (pacman was v3.3 on the live CD), but apparently the local repo was in the old format. Anyone know how to run pacman-db-upgrade and specify the db?
Tried pacman-db-upgrade (pacman was v3.3 on the live CD), but apparently the local repo was in the old format. Anyone know how to run pacman-db-upgrade and specify the db?
Edit: And the answer is
pacman-db-upgrade /mnt/arch/var/lib/pacman
OK did this and then ran the previously mentioned pacman command. Now I get
call to execv failed (Exec format error)
Would it work to simply copy a 32 bit repo onto the machine and then pacman -S <everything> (in the correct place of course)?
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