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I was compiling ffmpeg-git and it failed because pod2man command was not found because aparently perl bin are in /usr/bin/core_perl/pod2man which is not in PATH.
Is it normal? Do we have to do this manually or should it be included automatically (like I think)?
I have /usr/bin/core_perl/ in my $PATH but I thnk the default one is just
[karol@black ~]$ grep -e ^PATH /etc/profile
PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" … Guidelines
Last edited by karol (2011-06-04 21:43:13)
It looks like there is a small bug in perl 5.12.3-1 the package binary path should be included in PATH from and it looks like it is not.
In order to prevent file collisions, it's important to keep binaries generated by core, vendor, and site installs separate. It's also important that the default PATH environment variable set in each users profile to search for binaries in the same order as perl's @INC path. In order to accomplish this, binaries should be installed into the following directories:
Binaries and scripts for all core packages should be installed into /usr/bin/core_perl.
Binaries and scripts for all vendor packages should be installed into /usr/bin/vendor_perl.
Binaries and scripts for all site should default to be installed into /usr/bin/site_perl.
The perl package should include a mechanism to adjust end-users PATH entries accordingly so that perl binaries are searched for in the following order: site, vendor, core.
Last edited by manouchk (2011-06-04 22:00:50)
If I use lxterminal, I get this PATH:
In a virtual console, I get much more which binary perl path.
Why don't I get all those PATH in a lxterminal?
My default shell in bash. In lxterminal I'm in a bash shell.
Last edited by manouchk (2011-06-04 22:46:55)
I understood that I have a uncomplete environment because I had to desactivate the desktop of pcmanfm and I lost some stuff like aditionnal directory in the variable PATH....
/etc/profile sources files from /etc/profile.d, such as /etc/profile.d/ This file adds the directory to the path if it exists.
You have your own bin directory in your path, how do you add it? I was accidentally overriding /etc/profile.d settings before without realizing it.