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With xf86-video-intel and 2nd Gen. Intel HD integrated graphics, some larger images, and all images that are larger than the screen in Firefox are messed up.
Example here:
The top portion of the image is replaced with a duplicate of a more central portion, or often, a duplicate of the bottom portion. Reloading the page skipping cache re-renders the image and it cyclically modulates through different permutations of the same transformation, every once and a while producing the correct image. When large images are loading, they look correct until they are completely downloaded, at which point they instantly bork. Occasionally I get worse artifacts, like horizontal streaks.
I haven't noticed the problem in any other program besides Firefox, but I don't have anything else graphical.
Does anyone know why this might be occurring, and if there is any way to avoid it?
Last edited by egan (2011-06-11 21:29:48)
Try kernel 2.6.39 from [testing] oder downgrade to 2.6.37. That fixed it on my machine.
I am not sure what wm you are using, but I had a lot of tearing using XFCE and enabling compositing fixed the issue.
I'm using xmonad. I'll see what happens on the next kernel update.
I am suffering from excessive tearing and bad performance as well, as reported in
Using Gnome, I asked on Gnome Shell's mailing list (see … 4309.html). I was told that the drivers for Sandy Bridge video cards are in a work in progress status and tearing and artefacts are known to developers and will be fixed (I hope soon )
It appears to be fixed with the latest kernel, yay.