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@gregory.kovalev : I love that cat wallpaper, would you mind sharing it?
This is Xfce4 with Avant-Window-Navigator-bzr (from AUR), and conky. The theme for AWN is the Clearlooks Dark theme that comes in the bzr version, which I tweaked to my preferences.
Conky is using a python2 script for fetching mpd album art, and paconky (from AUR) for grabbing status of pacman and AUR package updates. I like how it turned out. The taskbar seems large, but with AWN there is a setting called "Intellihide" which will force the taskbar to hide if anything covers it. The MPD music status also disappears if no music is playing.
background yes
use_xft yes
xftfont JH_FALLOUT:size=6
xftalpha 0.8
override_utf8_locale yes
update_interval 2
own_window no
double_buffer yes
draw_shades no
stippled_borders no
#border_margin 0
border_width 0
default_color 03fef9
color0 03fef9
color1 00c3d0
default_shade_color black
alignment top_left
minimum_size 1680
gap_x 0
gap_y 0
no_buffers yes
##uppercase yes
short_units yes
pad_percents 2
text_buffer_size 1024
imlib_cache_size 0
${GOTO 105}${if_mpd_playing}${mpd_artist} - ${mpd_title} - ${mpd_album}${endif}${alignr 5}${execpi 3600 paconky /home/beelzebud/.repos.paconky}
${GOTO 105}${if_mpd_playing}${color1}${mpd_bar 5,170}${color}${endif}${alignr 5}${execpi 3600 paconky /home/beelzebud/.aur.paconky}
${GOTO 105}${if_mpd_playing}${mpd_status}${GOTO 185}${mpd_elapsed}${GOTO 220}/${GOTO 235}${mpd_length}${endif}
${if_mpd_playing}${execi 5 /home/beelzebud/.conky-mpd-albumart}${image /tmp/cover -s 100x100 -p 0,0}${endif}
${voffset 85}${GOTO 1220}CPU: ${color1}${cpubar cpu0 6,75} ${cpu cpu0}%${color}
${GOTO 1220}Processes: ${color1}$running_processes/$processes${color}
${GOTO 1220}Load: ${color1}${loadavg}${color}
${voffset 6}${GOTO 360}RAM: ${color1}${membar 6,50} ${memperc}%${color}
${GOTO 360}SWAP: ${color1}${swapbar 6,70}${color}
${GOTO 360}Uptime: ${color1}$uptime_short${color}
${voffset 228}${GOTO 300}SDA: ${color1}${diskiograph sda 6,70}${color}
${GOTO 300}SDB: ${color1}${diskiograph sdb 6,70}${color}
${GOTO 300}/root: ${color1}${fs_free /}${color}
${GOTO 300}/home: ${color1}${fs_free /home}${color}
${GOTO 300}/sdb: ${color1}${fs_free /media/sdb}${color}
${voffset 140}${GOTO 1205}Up: ${color1}${totalup eth1} ${upspeedgraph eth1 6,75} ${upspeed eth1}${color}
${GOTO 1205}Down: ${color1}${totaldown eth1} ${downspeedgraph eth1 6,75} ${downspeed eth1}${color}
${GOTO 1205}Local IP: ${color1}${addr eth1}${color}
${GOTO 1205}External IP: ${color1}${execi 6600 wget -O - | tail}
mpd script (a frankenstein cobbled together from a couple of other scripts)
#! /usr/bin/env python2
import os
import shutil
import commands
import urllib
def copycover(currentalbum, src, dest, defaultfile):
searchstring = currentalbum.replace(" ", "+")
if not os.path.exists(src):
url = "" + searchstring + "&itempage=1&newsearch=1&searchindex=Music"
cover = urllib.urlopen(url).read()
image = ""
for line in cover.split("\n"):
if "" in line:
image = line.partition('src="')[2].partition('"')[0]
if image:
urllib.urlretrieve(image, src)
if os.path.exists(src):
shutil.copy(src, dest)
elif os.path.exists(defaultfile):
shutil.copy(defaultfile, dest)
print "Image not found!"
# Path where the images are saved
imgpath = os.getenv("HOME") + "/.covers/"
# image displayed when no image found
noimg = imgpath + "nocover.png"
# Cover displayed by conky
cover = "/tmp/cover"
# Name of current album
album = commands.getoutput("mpc --format %artist%+%album% | head -n 1")
# If tags are empty, use noimg.
if album == "":
if os.path.exists(conkycover):
if os.path.exists(noimg):
shutil.copy(noimg, conkycover)
print "Image not found!"
filename = imgpath + album + ".jpg"
if os.path.exists("/tmp/nowplaying") and os.path.exists("/tmp/cover"):
nowplaying = open("/tmp/nowplaying").read()
if nowplaying == album:
copycover(album, filename, cover, noimg)
open("/tmp/nowplaying", "w").write(album)
copycover(album, filename, cover, noimg)
open("/tmp/nowplaying", "w").write(album)
Last edited by Beelzebud (2011-05-03 00:14:25)
This is Xfce4 with Avant-Window-Navigator-bzr (from AUR), and conky. The theme for AWN is the Clearlooks Dark theme that comes in the bzr version, which I tweaked to my preferences.
So I pick up the same avant copy and mine looks like crap. The settings dont make it function as intended. How do you make it a full bar? how do you get that look?
Its xfce4 and awn from aur even the avant extras.
Any ideas??
Your setup looks pretty awesome. Thanks.
Yeah it's just the bzr version for the main app and the extras. Use the Clearlooks Dark theme. It has the Lucidio style bar. Then just use the Separators from Applets to mark where you want the transitions in the bar to be.
Thanks for the compliment.
XFCE + Cairo-compmgr + AWN... XFCE Dusk Them with TechniX window border... … 015433.png
Might switch out the XFCE Dusk theme with the Clearlooks Dark theme that Beelzebub is using. It looks nice.
Last edited by Mr_ED-horsey (2011-05-23 07:02:08)
Desktop: Fedora 21 Mate + Compiz [x86_64] on 2 TiB HDD / Windows 7 Professional [x86_64] on 500 GiB HDD
Laptop: Arch Linux + Openbox [i686] 120 GiB SSD on Acer c720 Chromebook
Wow, it's been a while since I posted here. Anyway:
Xfwm: Ambiance (ported from the Metacity theme)
Gtk: Customized Ambiance (basically s/orange/purple)
Icons: Faenza Dark (Wicd network icon here)
Conky: Custom with real transparency!
It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. (Mark Twain)
XFCE + Cairo-compmgr + AWN... XFCE Dusk Them with TechniX window border... … 015433.png
Might switch out the XFCE Dusk theme with the Clearlooks Dark theme that Beelzebub is using. It looks nice.
Why exactly are you using cairo-compmgr when xfwm's builtin compositor is quite amazing? I'm genuinely curious
It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. (Mark Twain)
Why exactly are you using cairo-compmgr when xfwm's builtin compositor is quite amazing? I'm genuinely curious
No real reason other than I've never used the cairo-compmgr and was curious about it. I switch things out a lot.
Desktop: Fedora 21 Mate + Compiz [x86_64] on 2 TiB HDD / Windows 7 Professional [x86_64] on 500 GiB HDD
Laptop: Arch Linux + Openbox [i686] 120 GiB SSD on Acer c720 Chromebook
What did you make to have desktop/music/videos/downloads/etc custom icons in Thunar?...
Thank you
What did you make to have desktop/music/videos/downloads/etc custom icons in Thunar?...
Thank you
I didn't do anything specific. If your icon theme has folder-specific icons, it simply uses them. The folders themselves are defined in ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs
Here's mine:
# This file is written by xdg-user-dirs-update
# If you want to change or add directories, just edit the line you're
# interested in. All local changes will be retained on the next run
# Format is XDG_xxx_DIR="$HOME/yyy", where yyy is a shell-escaped
# homedir-relative path, or XDG_xxx_DIR="/yyy", where /yyy is an
# absolute path. No other format is supported.
Last edited by dcc24 (2011-05-28 21:15:04)
It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. (Mark Twain)
I'm using Faenza.. so I have "folder-downloads.png, etc" under ~/.icons/Faenza/places/. And user-dirs is complete like yours. I've also run xdg-usr-dirs-update.. but without favorable results.
One strange thing is that when a select a file for upload from i.e. firefox... then, I can see the folders with custom icons. But not in the main Thunar window .
Anyway thanks, I will see if I can fix it.. now that I know what I need
@Mostly: Well, as you can see I'm having the same problem with the "Pictures" folder so if you can find a solution, let me know
It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. (Mark Twain)
I'm using Faenza.. so I have "folder-downloads.png, etc" under ~/.icons/Faenza/places/. And user-dirs is complete like yours. I've also run xdg-usr-dirs-update.. but without favorable results.
One strange thing is that when a select a file for upload from i.e. firefox... then, I can see the folders with custom icons. But not in the main Thunar window
Anyway thanks, I will see if I can fix it.. now that I know what I need
After making sure the user dirs are correct, a reboot fixed my icon issue. Hope it helps.
It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. (Mark Twain)
Cross-post from the general monthly screenies thread:
Yes, I'm using Compiz as my WM under Xfce.
The GTK theme is a (somewhat heavy) modification of "Murrina-Dark". I made it red to match my lappy's color, LOL. Also, I really like dark themes; they're easier on the eyes (in more than one way ).
Last edited by MrCode (2011-05-30 18:35:14)
GTK Theme: DrakFire Black Mod
Emerald Theme: Minimal
Icon Theme: Any Color You Like
Oh, wow... Questions:
- What panel is that?
- Can you post the panel config?
- Conky config?
- Wallpaper?
It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. (Mark Twain)
na12 wrote:Oh, wow... Questions:
- What panel is that?
- Can you post the panel config?
- Conky config?
- Wallpaper?
Panel is xfce4-panel,it is zukitwo theme with custom background.Conky configs you can find below.
guys i'm using emerald with the theme A new Hope for gtk2.
Now the problem is that some applications like evince are updated to gtk3, and they look like shit.
Is there any way to sort this out keeping this theme (which i love)?
Athlon II X4 620 + Gigabyte 785GPM-UD2H + 4GB DDR3 + SSD OCZ Vertex2 60GB
Archlinux x86_64 + Openbox
Now the problem is that some applications like evince are updated to gtk3, and they look like shit.
A google search with "" would go a looong way...
It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. (Mark Twain)
Viper_Scull wrote:Now the problem is that some applications like evince are updated to gtk3, and they look like shit.
A google search with "" would go a looong way...
Who says i didnt search?
There is just stuff about gtk-window-decorator, Adwaita theme, and so...
Not my case, with compiz + emerald, and my no interest at all in changing this theme.
Last edited by Viper_Scull (2011-06-13 14:34:23)
Athlon II X4 620 + Gigabyte 785GPM-UD2H + 4GB DDR3 + SSD OCZ Vertex2 60GB
Archlinux x86_64 + Openbox
dcc24 wrote:Viper_Scull wrote:Now the problem is that some applications like evince are updated to gtk3, and they look like shit.
A google search with "" would go a looong way...
Who says i didnt search?
There is just stuff about gtk-window-decorator, Adwaita theme, and so...
Not my case, with compiz + emerald, and my no interest at all in changing this theme.
Compiz/emerald is WM/WM decorator and has nothing to do with how the application looks. You need to change the GTK3 theme (there are ~10 themes for GTK3 nowadays), instructions to which are already posted in the forums.
It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. (Mark Twain)