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I have some stability issues with my Sandy Bridge build. I've had them since I built it five months ago and have been through five motherboards (long story, only one was returned for defective nature, then this one came with the same issue and I didn't have the motivation to try to correct it again). Is anyone else experiencing some instabilities with this hardware?
Additionally, I'm concerned that the wiring in my new apartment may be inadequate. There are occasionally seemingly random resets. If my chair rolls out a certain way, the video stops working. Occasionally attempting to activate the GPU by either 3D gaming or CUDA trips it up and a reset is triggered. Is there a way to check whether this a wiring thing in my apartment?
I've been monitoring the temps and I don't think it's related. These things occur even when I'm idling around 30c.
The one other potential culprit I suppose is the power supply -- I got a new one a few months ago, but I was having instability problems before that, too, just different ones, and I don't remember any of the triggered resets on GPU activation or just random trips occurring in our old housing (we've lived here about a month).
Any help would be appreciated. Sorry if this is a bit off-topic or weird.
Thanks in advance.
Have you tried different RAM?
It's rock solid for me even with the latest code from git (xserver, video-intel, kernel).
So this should be a hardware issue, power supply would be my first pick, but exact specs for your build would help.
Perhaps the reset button on the computer is defective...that is to say it is sensitive to vibration.
Prediction...This year will be a very odd year!
Hard work does not kill people but why risk it: Charlie Mccarthy
A man is not complete until he is married..then..he is finished.
When ALL is lost, what can be found? Even bytes get lonely for a little bit! X-ray confirms Iam spineless!
I have not tried different RAM but the RAM has passed stability checks without issue. As before, I'm using a new PSU now and it may be the cause of some problems I don't recall occurring on the old PSU but I am not sure. I suppose the reset button/jumper could be loose.
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