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LibreOffice announced the availability of LibreOffice 3.4. You will find all upstream changes and new features on their website. As usual we provide the latest packages for Arch.
This release offers multiple improvements including text rendering on Linux, adding/removing color charts, and improved HTML export.
It should be noted that this release is aimed at "early adopters" and not suitable for production environments. As such there are numerous bugs that users should be aware of when upgrading, including:
* Cannot restore deleted text with change tracking
* Lost formatting with Excel XLS export
* MS Office 2010 complains about damaged MS Office 2003/XP documents created by LibreOffice 3.4
* PowerPoint PPTX files created by LibreOffice can't be opened by MS Office Web Apps
* PowerPoint PPT files created by LibreOffice can't be opened by MS PowerPoint Viewer 2010 but they can be opened by MS Office
* MS OFFICE document recovery fails after crash
* Data in reports created by Report Wizard do not display all data records
* In forms, all radio buttons are selected
* Writer crashes when using undo-redo on moved formulas
Last edited by mundane (2011-06-10 23:46:22)
I thank the mods for allowing this announcement to be displayed.
Apologies for the lateness of the announcement. I hope that nobody was caught out unexpectedly by the MS Office interoperability issues, and I promise to make a more timely announcement for the next "early adopter" release (3.5) if there are any significant known issues.
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
Yeah, unfortunately, Arch is not always right for a production environment. Live with it!
Yeah, unfortunately, Arch is not always right for a production environment. Live with it!
If you want to carry on the flamewar then do so in the thread that wonder linked.
This is the announcements section of the forum. Please limit your contribution to only constructive comments