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I'm trying to boot an lts kernel, to do so I copied my regular Arch grub entry and appended -lts to the end of everything.
The first time I booted I recieved v86d (uvesafb) and autodetect errors so I created an image without them. That image gets the following error:
ash: /dev/: unknown operand
Waiting 10 seconds for device ...
Root device '' doesn't exist. Attempting to create it.
ash: /dev/: unknown operand
ERROR: unable to determine major/minor number of root device ''.
You are being dropped to a recovery shell
Type 'exit' to try and continue botting
/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
[ramfs /]#
After some manipulation (not quite sure what worked and what didn't) I have received:
Trying to continue (this mill most likely fail) ...
modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.32-lts/modules.dep: No such file or directory
Last edited by bsilvereagle (2011-06-18 14:24:14)
Vaio F11: i7-720 QM | 8 GB RAM | Nvidia GT330m
Windows 7 | openSuse 11.4 KDE | Arch Linux e17/KDE
Anything from anyone?
I've never heard of "ash" is it the pre-shell? Anything ideas or information I can take a run with?
Vaio F11: i7-720 QM | 8 GB RAM | Nvidia GT330m
Windows 7 | openSuse 11.4 KDE | Arch Linux e17/KDE
Anything from anyone?
I've never heard of "ash" is it the pre-shell? Anything ideas or information I can take a run with?
ash is a shell (Almquist shell), somewhat limited compared to bash or zsh.
On topic: did you build the needed modules with kernel26-lts-headers?
I missed the equal sign in "root=/dev/sda7" in my menu.lst, so that cut off the "Root Device Doesn't Exist" errors. In return, /dev/sda7 (my root partition) cannot be found.
The new menu.lst entry:
title Arch Linux LTS
root (hd0,6)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz26-lts root=/dev/sda7 ro rootfstype=ext4
initrd /boot/kernel26-lts.img
I am not loading any modules for the lts kernel...should I be?
The hooks in mkinicpio.conf:
"base udev pata scsi sata filesystems"
I'm running mkinitcpio using
mkinitcpio -p kernel26-lts -g /boot/kernel26-lts.img
SOLVED: a resintall through pacman did the trick for whatever reason. Thanks for all the help.
Last edited by bsilvereagle (2011-06-18 14:24:40)
Vaio F11: i7-720 QM | 8 GB RAM | Nvidia GT330m
Windows 7 | openSuse 11.4 KDE | Arch Linux e17/KDE
Pages: 1