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I'm using cu (from the uucp package) with my USB serial adapters (FT232 based).
Everything work fine on my netbook and on my old workstation (now used as server) both running the 32bits version of Archlinux. When I connect the RX and TX lines, if I run cu -s 115200 -l /dev/ttyUSB0 and type some characters, they show up, and the Leds on the FTDI board light up (proving there are characters sent and received).
When I try to do the same on an Archlinux x64 system (I've tried on my main workstation and on a laptop). With the exact same configuration for cu, when I type some characters, nothing happens...
If I connect the adapter to a external device, cu output correctly the characters, but there's no way to send anything to the board.
I tried with picocom, it works well. With minicom, it works well if I disable the Hardware Flow Control. So I looked at the out put of stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 -a when I plug the Serial Adapter, crtscts is disabled... Here comes the strange difference:
- On my 32bits systems, running cu doesn't change anything to the crtscts setting
- On my 64 bits systems, it enables it, and no further input is sent to the board. When I disable it, (with: stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 -crtscts), everything goes back to normal, Input is sent and received, the Leds light up correctly.
Both systems are up-to-date.
Doing some researches, I've found that cu always enable Hardware Flow Control, so I guess the 64bits symptoms are normal (even if not really convenient) but why then it doesn't happen on my two 32bits systems ??
Except for this difference, my configurations are the same (user in the uucp group, same modules loaded, same dmesg output)...
I've tried reinstalling the uucp package, and even recompiling it. No success. When I boot the laptop (x64) on Fedora 15 (64bits version). I can use the Serial adapter with no such problem. I looked on the patch applied to the Fedora package, but there's nothing about cu.
I've tried patching uucp with this patch ( … /0000.html) But no success either.
I know, I can use picocom, but it's only in AUR while cu is in the repositories... And I don't really like minicom, too much complicated for my needs...
So... Anyone, an idea, please ??
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