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I was curious as to if you know what specificly is saving this much ram with the new arch kernels?
It only happens on x86-64, but not x86...
I wen't from 123mb uncached to 89mb uncached(free -m uncached value) in bash with everything standard except added alsa daemon!
I couldn't find anything about such big changes in the kernel release log of .39, and I wonder if it's something that arch is changing?
I did notice that arch dosen't add the aufs2 patches anymore(hoping it will not return! Has no place in an arch kernel, but oh well, i'm not in charge...), but that seems unlikely that this should have so much effect?
I'm glad the memory is going down as I really think that the step from x86 to x86_64 was way to big i.e. 53mb vs. 123mb on same hardware and setup!
I previously thought that the high ram on the older 64-bit kernels was because there are reserved 64mb ram on intel systems with over 3gb for the swiotlb, but I did a test with changing the 64mb to 32mb with a kernel parameter, and the ram usage was the same, except that the total amount of ram was changed in free -m from 3964mb to 4012mb!
Thanks in advance.
According to Conky, I went from 14x to 112 on boot. Wondering the same.
I've been searching the 'net like crazy, but cannot find anything or anyone mentioning this!
I changed between the current kernel and kernel26- and compared the output of: 'dmesg | grep Memory' and 'cat /proc/meminfo' on both kernels, and they where identical except at most 2mb in all, even though 'free -m' reports 32mb in difference uncached!
Also, htop with kernel threads unhidden on the kernel26- did show all kernel threads as 0mb res/virt memory, and the "normal" processes where identical in memory use to the new kernel(which i'd allready previously checked with
Anyway, I atleast hope that this new "trend" will continue in the feature kernel versions additionally!