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Hello guys,
does the asus_laptop module support already fan control or is it generally limited to specific models. If not, does anyone know when this feature will be included?
I'm asking because I'm a confident user of this module in combination with a Thinkpad SL500, it's even working better than the inofficial lenovo-sl-laptop module. The only thing missing yet is the damned fan control.
Best regards
Doesn't appear to.
Conventional fan pwm things are located at /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/fan1_input which doesn't exist for asus_laptop on my Thinkpad SL500.
The lenovo-sl-laptop module sticks it in /sys/devices/platform/lenovo-sl-laptop/hwmon/hwmon0/pwm1 of all places and screws up the pwmconfig utility (the default BIOS controlled fan speed is too slow and thrashing the CPU puts it up to 89C but I can control it manually.).
If you really want to have fan control you are stuck with the lenovo-sl-laptop module. I hope some day that it gets merged with asus_laptop or at least someone takes out the redundant features so I can run both at the same time
Some time ago I adapted the module to avoid conflicts with asus_laptop.
Try to compile this one. At least for me it works perfectly and manages only the fan control. Hence it can be combined with asus_laptop.
Last edited by orschiro (2011-06-16 07:49:13)
Pages: 1