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#1 2011-06-16 10:16:55

From: Belgium
Registered: 2006-05-24
Posts: 1,223

errormessage: SHM and DEVPTS already unmounted' when shutting down

Purely cosmetic, but I noticed an errormessage like this right before 'SENDING SIGTERM and SIGKILL'-messages appear on my screen.

Both SHM and PTS are mounted in /etc/fstab, but maybe the usage of udisks or some shiny new feature of the new kernel / other package has taken over this functionality?

I would try it out to comment those entries out in /etc/fstab, but that could make my system unbootable...


#2 2011-06-16 15:45:46

From: Aethyr
Registered: 2009-03-22
Posts: 999

Re: errormessage: SHM and DEVPTS already unmounted' when shutting down

It has nothing to do with udisks. You probably have something like

none /dev/shm ...

in your fstab. Change "none" to "shm" and "devpts" for /dev/shm and /dev/pts respectively... and reboot.

Last edited by Leonid.I (2011-06-16 15:46:01)

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