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#1 2011-06-18 01:14:16

Registered: 2011-03-25
Posts: 18

[SOLVED] Trouble building postler-git

After fixing a few (common) issues I had with a vala dependency, I now get an error message saying

zeitgeist is needed for Postler to show up in Synapse, the Unity dash or the Activity log.
If you want to build without it, pass --disable-zeitgeist.

whenever I attempt to install postler-git via yaourt.

Yes, I have installed the zeitgeist package and still receive this message. I am unsure where to put "--disable-zeitgeist" in order to pass it, and I am unsure that I would want to, since being able to see things in the activity log seems like a good thing.

I am still a bit new to the whole Linux thing, and I am sorry if the answer  I seek is self-evident or something. I would appreciate any responses though!

Last edited by oalicein (2011-06-20 07:07:37)


#2 2011-06-18 03:59:10

From: Pasadena, CA
Registered: 2009-07-13
Posts: 19,879

Re: [SOLVED] Trouble building postler-git

I have not done this, so this is general advice.
You probably wont be able to do it from yaourt.   You will need to do it in accordance with this AUR article.

Abridged version:
Grab the tarbel from ABS
unpack it
change to the directory you unpacked
find this line: ./waf configure --prefix=/usr --disable-libindicate
add the --disable-zeitgeist to that line.
do a makepkg
If success, install with sudo pacman -U

edit: fixed makepkg command, added sudo to pacman command

Last edited by ewaller (2011-06-18 04:00:13)

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#3 2011-06-19 08:50:20

From: Zagreb, Croatia
Registered: 2011-04-30
Posts: 114

Re: [SOLVED] Trouble building postler-git

yes, you can do it as ewaller suggested, but you dont need to download PKGBUID, yaourt asks you if you want to modify PKGBUILD

fixed grammar big_smile

Last edited by sumski (2011-06-20 10:38:16)


#4 2011-06-20 07:06:48

Registered: 2011-03-25
Posts: 18

Re: [SOLVED] Trouble building postler-git

sumski wrote:

yes, i can do it as ewaller suggested, but you dont need do download PKGBUID, yaourt asks you if you want to modify PKGBUILD

Modifying the PKGBUILD through yaourt was enough in this particular case. Thank you sumski.

ewaller: Thank you for link to the article, and especially the tip about the "./waf configure..." line.


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