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Hey there,
after the recent initscript updates my system still boots but prints a lot of error messages like this:
udevd[421]: failed to execute '/sbin/mdadm' '/sbin/mdadm --detail --export /dev/md1': No such file or directory
My raids are assembled and started so I'm not sure what the problem is.
I have one RAID1 and one RAID5, the RAID1 device contains my boot partition the RAID5 device is encrypted
with luks and contains everything else (lvm volumes formatted with ext4).
Here is my mkinitcpio.conf:
MODULES="radeon ext2 ext3 ext4 vfat"
HOOKS="base udev autodetect pata scsi sata mdadm filesystems usb usbinput encrypt lvm2"
And my grub kernel line:
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz26 cryptdevice=/dev/md1:lvm cryptkey=/dev/sdd1:ext3:/vault root=/dev/mapper/lvm-root rootdelay=10 radeon.modeset=1 ro initrd /kernel26.img
The raid volumes are unlocked with a key from an usb device.
Again, everything works fine and has done so for almost 2 years now. I'm just wondering about those udev errors.
The problem is that our mdadm hook attempts to assemble via /sbin/mdassemble (or manually), but it includes a udev rule for creating by-{uuid,label,path} symlinks. This is the same rule that triggers automatic assembly of arrays. However, since we package in mdassemble with the hook and not mdadm, you get those errors. Including mdadm on the hook will actually increase boot time because your array will be assembled by udev (when early userspace calls udev trigger), and then stopped and reassembled by mdassemble. Ugly.
You've got 2 choices:
1) ignore it. in the end its harmless.
2) Replace the hook with the one I've posted on flyspray:
Last edited by falconindy (2011-06-21 13:29:30)
2) Replace the hook with the one I've posted on flyspray:
The flyspray link should be:
Anyway, thanks for pointing this out, system boots now without errors, I only had to change md device references to UUIDs.
The flyspray link should be:
Sigh, thank you.
Pages: 1