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I encountered a issue when "compiling" a LaTeX file by xelatex:
The File:
Usual operators:
+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
a = 5 + 3
b = 5 / 3
The error message:
! Package minted Error: You must have `pygmentize' installed to use this packag
But I (seem) installed all required packages:
texlive-core 2010.22154-1; texlive-latexextra 2010.22155-1; python-pygments 1.4-3; python2-pygments 1.4-3
[edit]I know this is OT here, but I don't know where it should be posted. So...
Last edited by cap_sensitive (2011-06-23 04:06:16)
You're close, but there are a few things missing in your file and your command:
\begin{minted}{ruby} <== The programming language is a required argument, so curly braces
Usual operators:
+ addition
- subtraction
* multiplication
/ division
a = 5 + 3
b = 5 / 3
\end{minted} <== You need to end the minted block
Finally, minted requires that you compile with the --shell-escape flag:
xelatex --shell-escape <file>
This worked for me, hopefully it'll fix your issues.
Oh, and I would think this thread would probably be fine in the General Programming Forum.
Moving to General Programming. And yes, shell-escape is what you need (came across the same thing when I started using minted a month or so back).
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Problem solved. Thanks a lot!