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I just upgraded system, and i found two problems with kernel26-
first one is that i cannot use "reboot", the screen was black.
second, i cannot use " openconnect" to connect the vpn. and the error is
CSTP connected. DPD 30, Keepalive 20
Error: either "to" is duplicate, or "ipid" is a garbage.
Connected tun0 as XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX, using SSL
Continuing in background; pid 1661
DTLS handshake failed: 2
after i downgraded the kernel to kernel26-, both problems were solved. so, i think, there should be something wrong with kernel26-
For openconnect, this workaround should help (works here), can you give a little more detail about the "reboot" problem?
reboot calls shutdown in runlevels 1-5, so it should be identical, but just in case try running 'sudo shutdown -r now' and see if that works? Also you could try 'sudo init 6'...
These are just possible workarounds unfortunetly...
I myself does not have this issue, btw..
Last edited by mhertz (2011-06-22 14:20:26)
As far as the shutdown problem this works for me (I got the same problem):
sudo shutdown -hP 0
I hope that helps you....
thanks for replies.
" poweroff" was ok. but "reboot" didnt work (kernel26-
after i run "reboot",
the xorg was first killed,
then some words showed on the screen line by line,
finally, as far as i remenber, it stopped at "waiting for XXXXXX" or "XXXXXsignalXXXX".
im sorry i forget the exact words. but i think they are the last words we can see if we run "reboot"
Pages: 1