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#1 2011-06-23 20:22:51

From: Berlin
Registered: 2005-10-27
Posts: 428

[TuxOnIce] Problems with ClearGPGAgents and auto-resume

Dear all,

I’ve started using tuxonice with kernel26-pf-core2 (self compiled) heavily. Rebooting happens once a week or less. I am quite happy with it, however, there are two issues haven’t figured out to solve:

First, if I want to clear my password from gpg-agent before suspending.
Thus, I have set »AgentsClearGPG yes« in /etc/hibernate/common.conf.

However, /var/log/hibernate.log (with (log)verbosity 4) says:

Starting suspend at Do 23. Jun 21:51:52 CEST 2011
hibernate: [01] Executing CheckLastResume ...
hibernate: [01] Executing CheckRunlevel ...
hibernate: [01] Executing LockFileGet ...
hibernate: [01] Executing NewKernelFileCheck ...
hibernate: [10] Executing EnsureTuxOnIceCapable ...
hibernate: [11] Executing ChangeGrubMenu ...
Changing grub menu...
hibernate: [11] Executing XHacksSuspendHook1 ...
hibernate: [27] Executing ClearGPGAgents ...
Clearing gpg-agents
kill -SIGHUP 26368
hibernate: ClearGPGAgents refuses to let us continue.
hibernate: Aborting.

hibernate is executed via sudo. When searching for „ClearGPGAgents refuses to let us continue“ I only find the source of the script but no other people who seemed to encounter this problem‽
Here is my tuxonice.conf, tuxonice-both.conf (when I want to do both suspend 2 ram and 2disk, and common.conf.

And Secondly, I’m not able to bring my system to automatically recognize a suspend-image on my swap partition:
If I remove the »resume=swap:/dev/sda2« part from my kernel line, boot fails.
After a failed resume, dmesg | grep Tux says:

[    0.944843] TuxOnIce 3.2 (
[    0.944947] Scanning swap devices for TuxOnIce signature...
[    0.944949] TuxOnIce scan: No image found.
[    0.944951] Scanning swap devices for TuxOnIce signature...
[    0.944952] TuxOnIce scan: No image found.
[    0.944961] TuxOnIce: Can't translate "" into a device id yet.
[    0.945024] TuxOnIce: No matching enabled allocator found. Resuming disabled.

Here is my fstab, fdisk -l and hibernate.log

Here as well, I don’t know what I could be doing wrong.

May be there is someone on the forums here who has had similar problems and is able to help out in looking what may be causing the errors to happen?




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