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#1 2011-04-26 12:24:02

Registered: 2010-02-10
Posts: 8

CUPS and epson SX205

I had an issue with cups and my printer (an epson sx205). Until now, it didn't work on my laptop, while everithing was fine on my other PC (who also is on archlinux).
I've checked the wiki, but it did'nt solve the problem.
There was several lines like "libusb couldn't open USB device /dev/bus/usb/001/004: Permission denied." in the logfile, even if the permissons at /dev/bus/usb/001/004 where good.

After some research, it appears that my other PC had also lib32-libusb installed. I installed it on my laptop, and it fixed the problem.

Does someone noticed it ? Is this the good way to make my printer work ? Shall we put this in the wiki ?

Last edited by RaK (2011-04-26 12:24:37)


#2 2011-06-25 17:48:49

Registered: 2011-06-25
Posts: 3

Re: CUPS and epson SX205

the driver for this printer is a 32 bit binary package

I knew that, but didn't know what else to install, you have helped me muchly smile



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