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I have some problems problems during/after boot:
After booting the system my keyboard and mouse aren't working for about 1-2 minutes (and I can't type my login information). After that time (and before booting Linux), everything works perfectly.
During boot, the system needs a lot of time when it states "Waiting for UDev uevents to be processed" (about 1 min). If I include HAL to the daemons list, it needs a lot of time, too.
My errors.log includes lots of following errors:
device descriptor read/64, error -110
device not accepting address 4, error -110
devide not accepting address 5, error -110
devide not accepting address 6, error -110
If I'm booting from the live cd I get the same problems, so it won't be a bad configuration.
Any ideas to fix this problem?
Best regards
Last edited by MaKe (2011-06-28 15:46:44)
I have the same problem a few weeks ago... to turn off the computer, switch off the power supply and unplug all the usb devices to fix this
im from argentina, my english is poor.
Metalero, GNU/Linuxero, Católico y Peronista
In my opinon(I cann't make sure if this is really RIGHT).
That's may because of something like a usb printer.
You have pluged the usb without it power on.
So when the udev detect the usb devices and detected as error.
i don't have an usb printer, only keyboard and mouse usb.
Metalero, GNU/Linuxero, Católico y Peronista
I have a similar problem: When I boot from cold start (e.g. after switching the computer on) my USB trackball does not work. I need to unplug and replug it to get it to work. If I do a reboot (e.g. while power is switched on and after a previous boot) the trackball works. Same happens with the latest Puppy Linux.
Neoklis ... Ham Radio Call: 5B4AZ
Thank You,
completly switching off the power worked for me.
Pages: 1