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I have this problem. I have been at it for some time now and haven't found a solution.
I have a Wacom Cintiq 21UX2. Problem is that when I draw on it, the cursor constantly jumps to the right for short moments. This makes it impossible to draw and hard to click buttons.
I don't have this problem in Opensuse or in Mint, just in Arch-Linux.
I installed the "wacom-drivers" (0.11.1-2) package and the "kcm-wacomtablet-git" (20110517-1) from AUR at the moment. I tried several combinations, but nothing seams to solve the problem.
I cant find a solution via Google either.
I don't know what to do anymore. Anybody got a solution or idea?
Last edited by (2011-08-18 11:11:48)
Desktop Environemt /Setup, how did you setup your screens (Xinerama, TwinView, seperate Xscreens... ), ... supply some more info to get an answer good luck!
Same problem over here. I use TwinView and KDE.
TwinView is not supported by xsetwacom for now, but probably it will be when next version of xf86-input-wacom comes out. For now, you can use … ion_Matrix - it should work.
My GPG fingerprint: 7170 26A9 D477 9FC5 3940 7266 40F5 57B7 3149 6106
Btw, just before minute I added TwinView patches to wacom-drivers 0.11.1-7, it should now work with simpler "MapToOutput" method, but keep in mind that monitor names are like HEAD-0, HEAD-1, etc. Check man pages of xsetwacom for more information.
My GPG fingerprint: 7170 26A9 D477 9FC5 3940 7266 40F5 57B7 3149 6106
Sorry for the late reaction.
MapToOutput HEAD-0 doesn´t work either.
I'm in PClinuxOS at the moment, using the the xsetwacom --version 0.11.99.
Cursor keeps jumping between the two screens.
Tried it in ArchLinux to earlier, but that doesn't work either.
I read it had something to do with an bug in xorg (I believe) in relation to a dual screen setup.
Have not found a solution yet.
0.11.99 but from what date? Is it after or before 28'th June? Because before (it also was 0.11.99) it was not supposed to work. If not, then it's unresolved bug - was it reported to linuxwacom project already?
My GPG fingerprint: 7170 26A9 D477 9FC5 3940 7266 40F5 57B7 3149 6106
Hi. It's been a while, but I finaly solved it.
On the wacomlinux site I found that it was a problem in xorg-server. I installed a newer version from AUR. That solved the problem. I had to reïnstall the nvidia driver to. I did the one from AUR, but maybe the binary version was sufficiant. Not shure about that.
My Arch-system is usable to me again.
0.11.99 but from what date? Is it after or before 28'th June?
I thought it was current when using the git-version. Isn't the git version updated automaticly? I also used the git version strait from the site, on different distro's. Every time I used a up-to-date distro I would have this problem. Then I found this solution on the site from linuxwacom.
Last edited by (2011-08-18 11:21:40)