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I would like to know if there is an option to pacman for updating everything except a given list of packages.
For some reason I don't know yet and don't have the time to investigate, acroread 7 doesn't work, and I also had problems with the new release of xsane.
I could write a script to desinstall them then to reinstall the previous versions after a pacman -Suy, but I am wondering if there is a way to specify to pacman NOT to update them... until I have more time
I have quickly browsed the forum and saw nothing about that. If I missed it, well, apologies
will the IgnorePkg option in pacman.conf help you? man pacman, and there's a sample in pacman.conf, I think.
Or for a one-off, use the --ignore <pkg> argument (can be more convenient than editing pacman.conf)