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If you try to update a package that requires krb5 you'll get an error like this:
:: cyrus-sasl-plugins: requires heimdal>=1.3.3
:: evolution-data-server: requires heimdal>=1.3.3
:: gnome-vfs: requires heimdal>=1.3.3
:: gtk2: requires heimdal>=1.3.2
:: libcups: requires heimdal>=1.3.1
:: smbclient: requires heimdal>=1.
Workaround: evolution-data-server-2.32.2-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz (Download: without krb5 dependency
pacman -U evolution-data-server-2.32.2-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz && pacman -S cyrus-sasl-plugins gnome-vfs gtk2 libcups smbclient
Stop! Don't do that. It will break things such as gnome-clock-applet. (You can safely install the evolution-data-server package I included without the other deps listed but it won't do you much good)
krb5-1.9.1-2-i686.pkg.tar.xz (Download: without heimdal conflict
(BTW to compile krb5 you MUST:
# mv /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/pythonX; ln -s /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python;
as python3 will cause build errors. when you are finished put it back:
# mv /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/pythonZ; mv /usr/bin/pythonX /usr/bin/python;
pacman -Uf krb5-1.9.1-2-i686.pkg.tar.xz
Now you should be able install a few more newer packages that depend on krb5. You may need to symlink some library files as needed and reinstall some packages. I've made a lot of changes on this fresh install so it's difficult to keep track.
Other thoughts: Don't upgrade networkmanager past 0.8.3, the 0.8.9+ builds are for Gnome3 and wifi broke (plus ugly gtk3 theme).
Neocrust, thanks for sharing the ideas of how to keep Gnome2 when doing fresh install.
As for usability, I still prefer it over Gnome3, but of course, each to his own... Although it is not feasible in the long term, I rather have Gnome2 frozen (or even switch to Xfce) that install mess like Gnome3.
Thank you!
With all due respect to the Arch big dogs, I respectfully, completely disagree with your stance regarding Gnome 3.
Wouldn't the above quotes be a perfect example of group think?
groupthink isn't always a bad thing. and in this case in particular - we all know that Arch is a bleeding-edge distro, gnome2 is deprecated. you might be able to have it run okay for a while, but eventually it will not work anymore. ArchLinux as the type of distro that it is probably shouldn't encourage this kind of usage, it just causes confusion, and likely other issues. it seems very sensible to me ~ why some of the moderators / etc have the stance they do. supporting deprecated software isn't Arch's shtick.
Why are all the Gnome 2 users expected to just roll over and comply to Gnome's force feeding desktop users to test the Shell that was obviously designed for a system without mouse intergration, ie tablets, etc?
no one is forcing you to do anything. i don't use gnome-shell, but use gnome 3 + compiz instead, it works great.
I come to the force feed testing conclusion based on the following facts:
let's see how 'factual' your fatcs are...
1) Gnome switched libraries and or dependencies that made it nearly if not completely impossible to run Gnome 2 and 3 DE on the same root system.
well, if you really really really want gnome2 and gnome3 running, it's probably possible to run gnome2 + all of it's dependencies and libraries /opt. it means a pretty bloated system, there probably would still be some hacks involved, but hey that's what you get for wanting to run a deprecated DE. I don't think you can easily run any DE's old and new version side by side...
is anyone here running KDE3.5 and KDE4.6 a long side? how about Xfce3 and 4?? (not likely)
2) Gnome did not implement the fall back mode features that would have made Gnome 3 a usable replacement for Gnome2.
this statment is simply false... fallback is completely usable and is easily a replacement for gnome2 (more so than Xfce4.8). i've been running G3+compiz for month's and love it. sure, it requires a little more setup - but this is archlinux - most users tend to tweak and refine there desktop a lot. I actually prefer gnome3 over gnome2, big time.
3) Gnome knowingly released a seriously broken for the desktop with version 3.
'seriously broken'??? compared to the inital KDE4 release, Gnome 3 was rock solid (but ya, there were a few bugs here and there, mostly in nautilus that i saw). i haven't had any problems after the couple little one's i had went away after a few updates...
4) Gnome must have focused all development resources on Gnome shell designed for the tablet (big new potential market) because of all the missing features in "fallback" aka "desktop" mode.
i think that strays into the land or personal perspective and opinion. they focused on Gnome-Shell because that is their new interface. Fallback was designed for lower-spec hardware, a minimal desktop, enterprise and as an added maybe unintended bonus - so people could use other compositors / shells.
5) Gnome appears to have turned their back on regular desktop users, at least those who prefer to use a mouse.
i do somewhat agree with this. Gnome-shell was made by developers for developers, that's why they push keyboard use to some degree, i got into a bit of a fight with a particular smug redhat/gnome developer over this issue. he basically thinks a keyboard is the only way to go - then when i asked what applications he was typically running, it was mostly IDE's, text editors, libreoffice, etc. - so i asked him if he thought artists, musicians, the general desktop user used there desktop this way. he thought general desktop users, need to re-learn how to use a computer (how arrogant), but he had nothing to say on the subject of the other use cases...they didn't really think that one through, very well.
If the desktop users debug the Shell, it will be closer to prime time during the next predicted big computer marketing thing, the tablet.
gnome-shell sucks with tablets - i own one. Gnome-Shell doesn't provide any real features for tablet users, other than fat padding on widgets, and 'flicking' though applications. GS brings nothing to the table for tablet users ~ compiz does a much better job. (although, you do have to configure it for good tablet use). the other thing about tablets, multi-touch specifically - while it works really well for certain types of applications, for many uses it's no good. on screen keyboards suck too - i think in the next few years when the novelty wears off, people are going to realize having a Stylus is equally, if not more important and usable. (just look at the things one can do with easystroke and a Stylus, and as a pointing device - you have more granular control and speed than with a finger tips).
Isn't Linux supposed to be all about community, choice, contribution, etc? Does this include Arch?
If someone has figured out a way to avoid the Gnome 3 train wreck, and retain his version of the best of an Arch/Gnome2 system, more power to him...
If that someone has taken the time to document his accomplishments, has he not contributed by sharing that info?
trying to run the latest bleeding-edge software on a deprecated DE on one of the more bleeding-edge distros is a train-wreck waiting to happen.
maybe people who want to keep gnome2 alive would be better off joining the 'Mate-Desktop' crowd - as it is a fork of gnome2. also, BlueBubble Project is some fedora-users who plan on supporting gnome2 in Fc15, fc16 and onward ~ i suggested to the Mate-Desktop developer that maybe he should get in touch with them too. i personally tend to think we should all adapt and write software for gnome 3 fallback to make it work how we want, if gnome-shell isn't for us. in the long run it makes far more sense. lots of the technology in gnome 3 is great, it just needs to mature ~ but trying to keep gnome2 alive, is essentially counter-productive to advancing gnome3 - fallback and/or Gnome-Shell.
Last edited by triplesquarednine (2011-07-07 07:44:08)
The server has been out of and it seems that will not go back to work ... anyone have any news about it?
I have the same issue with the heimdal and krb5 conflict. I tried to resolve with @hazard -s post, but the link isnt worked for me:( . Any suggestions?
(Sorry for my english)
yeah, don't use gnome 2.
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
I have to. Because i have old hardware.
I have to. Because i have old hardware.
Use lxde, xfce etc.
Or try this:
Last edited by karol (2011-08-02 16:44:06)
I have to. Because i have old hardware.
use fallback mode from gnome 3
Give what you have. To someone, it may be better than you dare to think.
It'd be nice if the folks at Gnome made Gnome3 Fallback Mode closer to Gnome 2 (e.g. same amount of customizeability and support of all the old applets). - joe at true skater dot io.