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Hi Everyone,
I have a huge problem and I have problems to solve it :S...
I've been used to install cups and hplip for my printer, then start cups (rc.d start cups) and go to the cups page at localhost, add printer.... But today, when I tried to print a file he fails saying ""/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster failed"...
After a few try's to solve the problem I just deleted the printer from cups and tried to install it again... The problem is that the printer doesn't appear in the list again :S So I don't really know how to do...
Informations :
PC --> Arch Linux x86_64
Printer --> HP PSC 1200
Installed Packages:
cups, libcups, lib32-libcups, libgnomecups,pycups,system-config-printer-gnome,apcupsd,system-config-printer-common,hplip
Version of Cups :
Steps already done :
Stop the Daemon and restart it again.
Remove cups, and hplip, and remove all the configuration stored and installe it again.
PS : I've been using usblp on my rc.conf file since the wiki says that it is necessary for gnome to work properly (for mounting usb)... but the cups wiki says that since version 1.4.x cups no longer uses usblp and starts using libusb... Is this really relevant ? (I've already tried to rmmod usblp and only use libusb but that doesn't solved the problem :S...)
Thanks in advance for you help
And sorry for my very bad english ^^
Last edited by aliasbody (2011-07-30 11:12:52)
Update : I've tried with my laptop with x64 freshly installed and he has the same problem... I think the problem is the x64 Arch Linux .... Can someone help me ? This is very important :S
SOLVED : Just removed the print from the usb port, connecting to a x32 Arch Install with Openbox (The printer was installed simply) then connect again on my main PC with Arch x64 with Gnome3 and Gnome3 just found it and install it by its own ^^
NOT SOLVED : The printer stop working again... Gnome 3 can't detected it (with our without usblp), Xfce, KDE and cups neither. Not working in my 32bits arch with all updated software neither in my x64 arch. But working with my 32bits and 64bits ubuntu with the same version of cups and hplip (Ubuntu 11.10 Oneiric Ocelot)... So for now I'm using ubuntu (thing that I really don't want on my notebook because it is very slow).
I have already read a lot of topics talking about this subject but there is no solution that worked for me... Can anyone help me with this please ?
PS : The scanner works great, it is just Cups that don't detect my printer. I've read that Cups 1.5 is now available and it fixes a lot of bugs with usblp and not detected printers caused by the transaction... Do you think this will be fixed with that version ?
Thanks in Advance,
Luis Da Costa
Make sure you are using:
# rc.d start cupsd
or have cupsd in your rc.conf DAEMONS list.
Notice the change from "cups" to "cupsd"
I am using cupsd since the daemon change to cupsd I have added it in my rc.conf DAEMON list.... But event the localhost:631 (Cups) cannot find my printer :S...