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#1 2011-07-15 16:42:49

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 127

[Package Quiz] How well do you know your installed packages?


While checking around and having fun with pyalpm library (alpm wrapper for python), I created a really simple quiz game. It askes you questions about installed packages on your system. Get it! (only 2.4 kbs)

It doesn't have a aur page because I don't know how to do that stuff sad. In order to be able to run it you will need to have pyqt and pyalpm installed. Then just run

Have fun!

Yaşar Arabacı

Edit: updated link

Last edited by yasar11732 (2011-07-15 17:45:58)

Yo Dawg, I heard you likes patches, so I have created a patch for your patch, so you can patch your patches before you patch.


#2 2011-07-15 18:33:49

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 127

Re: [Package Quiz] How well do you know your installed packages?

If you find some question types too hard (installed size perhaps?), you can comment them out in like this:

#class installedSize(Question):
#    def __init__(self,package = None):
#        Question.__init__(self,package)
#        self.points = 6
#        self.type = "installedSize"
#    def generate(self):
#        self.text = "How much is the installed size of " + + " (in kilobytes)"
#        self.correctAnswer = self.package.isize

Yo Dawg, I heard you likes patches, so I have created a patch for your patch, so you can patch your patches before you patch.


#3 2011-07-15 19:19:17

From: cracow, poland
Registered: 2005-07-12
Posts: 162

Re: [Package Quiz] How well do you know your installed packages?

Haha, that's a funny idea!

I think you'll need to work a little on the difficulty of questions if you plan to continue the project.
– Some are too hard: installed size in the first place, that was a good guess of yours, but packagers and some dependencies are pretty tough, too.
– Some are too easy: the what package installed … questions can be mostly guessed by filenames

But personally, what I'd welcome most is some info on some of the more obscure packages. This way I could learn a bit about my system while having fun. Installed size is not terribly useful. A little description of the actual purpose of the package would be more enlightening. An example: gtk3 is described as "The GTK+ Toolkit (v3)". It is true, I know. But if your game told me that it's a set of libraries for building graphical user interfaces which is most notably used by Gnome and XFCE, and which is essentially responsible for the look and feel of their applications, I'd be actually smarter than before.
Some packages that I feel would be good candidates for this kind of description are: apr, attr, babl, damageproto, gegl, jack, libxau, neon, orc, speex, tdb. xcb-util.


#4 2011-07-15 19:28:27

From: Austria
Registered: 2010-10-09
Posts: 86

Re: [Package Quiz] How well do you know your installed packages?

that's quite funky

what caminoix said is true though


#5 2011-07-15 19:46:45

Registered: 2010-11-29
Posts: 127

Re: [Package Quiz] How well do you know your installed packages?

caminoix wrote:

Haha, that's a funny idea!

I think you'll need to work a little on the difficulty of questions if you plan to continue the project.
– Some are too hard: installed size in the first place, that was a good guess of yours, but packagers and some dependencies are pretty tough, too.
– Some are too easy: the what package installed … questions can be mostly guessed by filenames

But personally, what I'd welcome most is some info on some of the more obscure packages. This way I could learn a bit about my system while having fun. Installed size is not terribly useful. A little description of the actual purpose of the package would be more enlightening. An example: gtk3 is described as "The GTK+ Toolkit (v3)". It is true, I know. But if your game told me that it's a set of libraries for building graphical user interfaces which is most notably used by Gnome and XFCE, and which is essentially responsible for the look and feel of their applications, I'd be actually smarter than before.
Some packages that I feel would be good candidates for this kind of description are: apr, attr, babl, damageproto, gegl, jack, libxau, neon, orc, speex, tdb. xcb-util.

First of all, thanks for your feedback. I agree that installed size questions too hard too. I might just remove them, it is quite easy. But about the descriptions, I directly use the package description on the system. The one you get when you issue pacman -Qi somepackage. Otherwise it would require tons of time adding description for all the packages.

I guess next thing I would do for this project is to balance the difficulties.

Yo Dawg, I heard you likes patches, so I have created a patch for your patch, so you can patch your patches before you patch.


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