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I can not install totem-xine because totem must be removed which causes kernel panic. Also gnome-media must be ignored. How can I remove totem, gnome-media or any other package without pacman ? Is there a way to edit the pacman database ?
in that case you have to manually remove the files listed in /var/lib/pacman/local/totem/files and the totem dir itself,
edit: maybe i should say also that pacmans "database" is just ascii textfiles, there is no real database in use even though it has been dicussed if it should be implemented,
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
Thanks alot
I did not delete but overwrite with pacman -Sf totem-xine . Turned out no diff in files lists. Same treatment for gnome-media still freezes though.
I must be the only one to have corrupted packages, segfaults and kernel panics with pacman.
Maybe you need to reinstall Archlinux... :shock: Jesus, I can't imagine how uninstalling a media player would cause kernel panic. There's gotta be something seriously screwy going on there...
What kind of trace do you get? I've had XFS oopses on a server once, running a filesystem check helped out.
have you tried to force remove that program, then reinstall the kernel?
If you use reiserfs, you can boot into a live cd and do a reiserfsck on that partiton to check for errors.
I see no trace and dont know how to get. Anyway just reiserfscked and saw bad leafs and nodes on wrong levels. JGC you prefer XFS ? I also ponder migrating to Reiser4.
Maybe you need to reinstall Archlinux... :shock: Jesus, I can't imagine how uninstalling a media player would cause kernel panic. There's gotta be something seriously screwy going on there...
I mentioned this to Xentac, and he explained it pretty well - the only way you're going to get a kernel panic is a software->hardware communication problem... in this case, the segfault most likely has to do with the filesystem (removing a file = segfault)
what filesystem is your partition on?
He said it's on ReiserFS, and that reisersck revealed some pretty big problems.