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#1 2003-11-16 01:00:02

From: Argentina
Registered: 2003-10-08
Posts: 10

Server List Order

I have two machines running ArchLinux. In the desktop computer I try to have a very complete instalation. Install and configure samba and share the /var/cache/pacman/pgk, run abs and make a gensync. Now in the laptop computer configure pacman.conf to use this disk share to upgrade the packages and don't download the pkgs again.... and don't work... sad .. allways try to download from the connection.... Then put the Custom section int top of the server list in pacman.conf and now work OK smile

May be in the next pacman release could be nice put the pacman.conf custom section top of the list, or check first the local repositories for the request packages, or to have the posibility to handle some kind of cache repository and check first there.

:: Nelson ::


#2 2003-11-16 03:06:43

Forum Fellow
From: Victoria, BC
Registered: 2003-01-17
Posts: 1,797

Re: Server List Order

Why not just share out /var/cache/pacman/pkg?  If pacman finds the .pkg.tar.gz file in there already then it won't redownload.

I have discovered that all of mans unhappiness derives from only one source, not being able to sit quietly in a room
- Blaise Pascal


#3 2003-11-17 03:44:55

From: Argentina
Registered: 2003-10-08
Posts: 10

Re: Server List Order

because that is an easy solution ! smile

Realy... I try to use the config options before do a hard solution.... I think that may be there are others that need this setup, and can be good that pacman could handle this.....

Today I detect another problem.... The desktop host don't have the share active, from the laptop try to install ruby and first sincronize.... custom can't sincronize (ok) and sicronize the others.....Show me ruby-1.8.0-1 and ask to install.... press enter and fail saying:

:: Retrieving packages from custom...
failed copying /mnt/net/arch/ruby-1.8.0-1.pkg.tar.gz                                                                                                                                           

I never download ruby before, and for what not try with the others repositories ??
The custom repository, custom.pkg.tar.gz, was created from a full abs, not a local one... this is the problem.... May be gensync need an option to generate a custom repository from a directory, the packages have a .PKGINFO that have the dependencies and other data.
I take a look to gensync and I think there isn't problem to add a param to generate from a .PKGINFO instead a PKGBUILD.... I will made a test and post one update here....

But the problem with the repository could be with the online too I think... Pacman may think that all the repositories have the same files, but if one not have one or there is a problem, he try with the next repository ??

c'u and thanks
:: Nelson ::


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