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I'm trying to get my drivers installed and when i try to install the nvidia driver it tells me it failed to build the nvidia kernel module. I looked at the log and i told me to try make oldconfig && make prepare but when i do that is gives me the error "No rule to make target 'missing-syscalls'". Can someone help me please. Thanks
Please post the commands you use to download / install the driver. 'pacman -S nvidia' should be enough (or nvidia-173xx for the legacy driver).
Last edited by karol (2011-07-20 01:56:20)
I downloaded the driver from the nvidia website because i need the geforce mx 420 one.
Read the wiki's entry about Nvidia drivers, that should help.
I did and it didn't help.
Have you tried the nouveau driver?
Have you tried the nouveau driver?
Yes thats what i have been using but it doesn't let me run alot of stuff that the normal driver would since its so old.
Pages: 1