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sunaku wrote:Try running `startx -- :1`
Thanks for the tip, but it has exactly the same result. Here's the logfile:
Your log file looks fine. So the only thing I can suggest is compiling wmii from its source repository (instead of using the 3.9.2 release) because that's what I do and I have no problems:
> wmii -v
wmii-hg2786+, ©2010 Kris Maglione
(Screenshots for June 2011)
Still rocking wmii... since 2005!
Seen in these screenshots:
wmii-hg configured with Ruby, Zenburn colors, and Unicode icons
vim configured with xoria256 colors and Tamsyn 11 font
urxvt configured with xoria256 terminal color scheme
zsh configured with OMZ and zsh-syntax-highlighting and zsh-history-substring-search
plus other dotfiles
Last edited by sunaku (2011-06-01 19:42:43)
I'm trying to use xdotool to jump to windows I am frequently using. But for some windows, it doesnt work.
It works with firefox with "xdotool search --classname Navigator windowactivate" but not for gvim:
xdotool search --classname gvim windowactivate
XGetWindowProperty[_NET_WM_DESKTOP] failed (code=1)
If I replace windowactivate with windowkill, it actually kills the window.
I've tried with "wmctrl -xa" as well, but no luck there either. Is it just wmii not fulfilling some xorg specification?
I could probably do the search and window activation by modifying my wmiirc somehow, but that require some work
I'm trying to use xdotool to jump to windows I am frequently using. [...] I've tried with "wmctrl -xa" as well, but no luck there either. Is it just wmii not fulfilling some xorg specification?
Perhaps that is a deficiency in wmii. Please file a bug report about it on the wmii issue tracker.
I could probably do the search and window activation by modifying my wmiirc somehow, but that require some work
In my Ruby wmiirc, there is a focus_client_from_menu action that does exactly this. Here's how it works: it feeds a list of all current clients to wimenu and reverse-indexes the user's choice into the list and focuses that client.
I'm using kupfer for launching applications and it also has a goto command, that takes you to the program if it is already open - and it works. As far as I can tell it uses the python keybindings to wnck to do that.
I'll file that bug report...
I'm just getting started with wmii, but so far I really like it. I do, however, have a few questions.
In your ruby config I've tried to set grabmod=Mod4, with some of my own custom qwerty keyboard configs with Mod4 hard-coded, but I can't seem to get Mod4/Windows Key to work as the resize key. I can only resize with the mouse using alt. Any suggestions?
Also, I've modified the qwerty keyboard configs to make it less 'modal' to return to more of the stock key-bindings. Do you know of anyone else who is is using a ruby config with the stock keybindings, or am I crazy for rejecting the modal-ness?
Final question (to anyone):
Is wmii development dead? From just browsing the suckless website, it seems like very few people are interested in wmii.
I'm just getting started with wmii, but so far I really like it. I do, however, have a few questions.
In your ruby config I've tried to set grabmod=Mod4, with some of my own custom qwerty keyboard configs with Mod4 hard-coded, but I can't seem to get Mod4/Windows Key to work as the resize key. I can only resize with the mouse using alt. Any suggestions?
Set "control:keyboard:grabmod" to Mod4 in your ~/.wmii/config.yaml file:
grabmod: Mod4
Also, I've modified the qwerty keyboard configs to make it less 'modal' to return to more of the stock key-bindings. Do you know of anyone else who is is using a ruby config with the stock keybindings, or am I crazy for rejecting the modal-ness?
Nate is one such user, although I think he modified his qwerty bindings just like you did. I don't know what the ideal qwerty bindings are; I use the Dvorak layout on an unconventional Kinesis Advantage keyboard.
Final question (to anyone):
Is wmii development dead? From just browsing the suckless website, it seems like very few people are interested in wmii.
Yeah, more or less. Kris Maglione, the primary developer, has been away on an extended sabbatical. I thought he would return to wmii development this summer, but it hasn't happened yet. I'm just glad that wmii-hg is stable enough for every-day use.
Is wmii development dead? From just browsing the suckless website, it seems like very few people are interested in wmii.
I don't think so, last update done 7 weeks ago, Kris Maglione continues to work on it, although he is the sole developer now as far as I can see. It is a simple, easy, bug-free piece of great code so as far as I am concerned it needs only basic maintenance. Kris responds to suggestions for improvement/bug-fixes also via the mailing list.
However, I do think the number of users have dropped as dwm is more popular now. One nasty side of things is that the #suckless IRC channel is populated by a number of ignorant dwm fanboys who sneer at questions concerning wmii, so if you need detailed questions answered forget the IRC channel (IMHO) and use the suckless mailing list instead.
wmii does exactly what I want it to do and I have the keystrokes down pat, so I would have to be persuaded significantly that there
is a distinct advantage to using a different tiling WM.
Philosophy is looking for a black cat in a dark room. Metaphysics is looking for a black cat in a dark room that isn't there. Religion is looking for a black cat in a dark room that isn't there and shouting "I found it!". Science is looking for a black cat in a dark room with a flashlight.
Set "control:keyboard:grabmod" to Mod4 in your ~/.wmii/config.yaml file:
control: keyboard: grabmod: Mod4
Hmm... it still doesn't seem to work.
The log says this:
[2011-07-21T21:52:04.056928 #11017] WARN -- : value "Mod4" from "/home/jon/.wmii-hg/config.yaml" overrides value "Mod4" from "/home/jon/.wmii-hg/control/keyboard/common.yaml"
in section "control:keyboard:grabmod"
I tried setting Mod4 in multiple places, but It still doesn't work. (For floating resize/move only, for everything else Mod4 works as expected.)
However I can manually do a wmiir write /ctl and manually set grabmod to Mod4. When I start wmii and I do
wmiir read /ctl
grabmod is blank.
However if I do a
echo 'grabmod Mod4' | wmiir write /ctl
My grabmod looks like
grabmod @
and I can move move/resize windows with Mod4
if I do a
echo 'grabmod Mod4' | wmiir write /ctl
My grabmod looks like
grabmod @
and I can move move/resize windows with Mod4
Interesting, then try setting the grabmod to "@" (instead of Mod4) in your config.yaml file.
Interesting, then try setting the grabmod to "@" (instead of Mod4) in your config.yaml file.
I tried that with no luck, but I went ahead and downloaded a fresh copy of your ruby configuration files, and when I changed grabmod to Mod4 inside config.yaml it worked that time. Not sure what the problem was before, I must have messed up another file.
Thanks for the link to Nathan's config. I'll use it as a starting point for my own.
(August 2011 screenshot)
Still rocking wmii... since 2005!
Seen in screenshot above:
Tamsyn font for monospaced bliss
wmii-hg configuration with Zenburn colors, Unicode icons, and Ruby status bar applets: client arrangement, pomodoro timer, mpd playlist, ALSA volume, system load, battery status, weather report, current time, system tray (witray).
vim configuration with xoria256 colors
urxvt configuration with xoria256 terminal color scheme
zsh configuration with OH MY ZSHELL plus zsh-syntax-highlighting and zsh-history-substring-search plugins
plus other dotfiles
Changes since last month:
Bar is now on top, like dwm and awesome.
New Unicode icons for status bar applets.
New Zenburn colors for focused windows.
Last edited by sunaku (2011-08-04 23:44:24)
(September 2011 screenshot)
Still rocking wmii... since 2005!
Seen in screenshots above:
wmii configuration with Zenburn color scheme, Unicode icons, and Ruby status bar applets: weather report, client arrangement, pomodoro timer, mpd playlist, ALSA volume, system load, battery status, current time, system tray (witray).
zsh configuration with OMZ plus zsh-syntax-highlighting and zsh-history-substring-search plugins
Tamsyn font for aliased monospace bliss
zathura configuration for PDF reading
wallpaper from 5cm/s anime
plus other dotfiles & scripts
Changes since last month:
Tweaks to non-bright colors and new cyan color in xoria256 terminal color scheme.
Latest wmii-hg build which fixes some long-standing bugs... it's alive!
Smarter pomodoro timer applet in wmii status bar.
$ wmii -v
wmii-hg2807+, ©2010 Kris Maglione
Last edited by sunaku (2011-09-24 07:36:25)
(October 2011 screenshot)
Still rocking wmii... since 2005!
New: (This is me playing with Xresources bold and underline color combinations from xoria256.)
Seen above:
wmii configuration with Zenburn color scheme, Unicode icons, and Ruby status bar applets: notifications, weather report, client arrangement, pomodoro timer, mpd playlist, ALSA volume, system load, battery status, current time, system tray (witray).
zsh configuration with OMZ plus zsh-syntax-highlighting and zsh-history-substring-search plugins
Tamsyn font for aliased monospace bliss
zathura configuration for PDF reading
wallpaper from 5cm/s anime
plus other dotfiles & scripts
Changes since last month:
Notification status bar applet now integrates with notify-send(1).
$ wmii -v
wmii-hg2807+, ©2010 Kris Maglione
Hi all.
I've decided to try tiling experience, and after trying awesome, wmii and i3 decided to go with wmii. Now I have few questions...
1. When I run konsole with transparency enabled (xcommgr is also running) wmii title becomes transparent too. Is it possible to make wmii titlebar fully opaque regardless of transparency of the window?
2. Is it possible to search for opened window by it's name across all wmii workspaces?
3. Is it possible to resize columns with keyboard? I suspect this might be possible by some custom binding which utilizes plan9 fs, but have not performed investigation of this fs capabilities
Thanks in advance
I've decided to try tiling experience, and after trying awesome, wmii and i3 decided to go with wmii. Now I have few questions...
I'm curious. What made you choose wmii over i3. i3 has everything that wmii has and the multi monitor support is way better.
I'm curious. What made you choose wmii over i3. i3 has everything that wmii has and the multi monitor support is way better.
I've been confused with it's horizontal tabs layout . To be honest I appreciate if you let me know why you think i3 is better
. I'm still not totally sure about my choice and willing to try something else.
I've been confused with it's horizontal tabs layout
. To be honest I appreciate if you let me know why you think i3 is better
wmii and i3 are similar but i3 has a better multi monitor support. There are some additional features like "move output". It allows you to move containers between outputs without referring to workspaces. The last version has the systray support. Floating clients support is quite good although I use it seldom. You can move and resize the floating clients with keyboard shortcuts. You can use static and dynamic marks to mark clients and jump to them just like in vim. It is well documented and the config file is quite easy to understand and modify.
On my workstation i3 is a must.
cross-post: January 2012 screenshot
Back to rocking wmii (since 2005! ) after trying DWM for a month. Lesson learned: productivity outweighs SLOC count.
wmii configured with Zukitwo-Dark color scheme
Vim configured with Zenburn color scheme
Urxvt configured with my Zenburn terminal color scheme
Zsh configured with syntax highlighting and history search plugins
Tamzen programming font (my fork of Tamsyn) for monospaced bliss
Plus other dotfiles & scripts. Enjoy!
$ wmii -v
wmii-hg2811+, ©2010 Kris Maglione
cross-post: January 2012 screenshot
$ wmii -v wmii-hg2811+, ©2010 Kris Maglione
Could you please share your experience in building hg version? Any tricks, etc?
I've tried AUR package, but always get the following error
CC cmd/x11/wmii9menu.o
LD cmd/x11/wmii9menu.out
cc -o wmii9menu.out wmii9menu.o -lXinerama -lXrender -lX11 -lXrandr -Wl,-O1,--sort-common,--as-needed,-z,relro,--hash-style=gnu -g -ldl -g -ldl -g -ldl -L../../lib -L/usr/lib ../../lib/libstuff.a ../../lib/libregexp9.a ../../lib/libbio.a ../../lib/libfmt.a ../../lib/libutf.a /usr/lib/libixp.a
/usr/bin/ld: ../../lib/libstuff.a(xft.o): undefined reference to symbol 'dlsym@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
/usr/bin/ld: note: 'dlsym@@GLIBC_2.2.5' is defined in DSO /usr/lib/ so try adding it to the linker command line
/usr/lib/ could not read symbols: Invalid operation
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [wmii9menu.out] Error 1
make[1]: *** [dall] Error 2
make: *** [dall] Error 2
Thanks in advance
I build libixp and wmii manually, not from AUR:
hg clone
cd libixp
edit # set your desired PREFIX; for example, I use $HOME/app/suckless and have $HOME/app/suckless/bin in my $PATH
make depend && make && make install
hg clone
cd wmii
edit # set the same PREFIX as you did for libixp
make depend && make && make install
Hope that helps.
Thanks, that helped me alot. I have built wmii finally.
Now I have one configuration issue and would appreciate if you help me to resolve it
In the old wmii I have behaviour when all new windows are opened on selected tag regardless of whether similar windows are already present on the other tags.
/.*/ -> sel
However in new wmii, similar rule won't produce desired behavior anymore. I mean if I have, say xterm opened on tag 1, than launching xterm when tag 2 is selected will open it on tag 1 anyway.
The rule I use for this is
/.*/ tags=sel
Suggest please rule to comply with this.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: seems like I've found the solution. group=0 seems to produce desired behavior.
Last edited by eDio (2012-01-02 17:40:47)
That is correct eDio; group=0 is what you want. Look at my configuration for example.
@sunaku: I followed instructions at github. I get this: What can be done?
@sunaku: I followed instructions at github. I get this: What can be done?
Hey @aksr, sorry for the late reply.
If you want to use the status/weather.yaml status bar applet:
gem install barometer -v '~> 0.7.3'
If you want to use the status/music/mpd.yaml status bar applet:
gem install librmpd -v '~> 0.1'
Alternatively, you can delete the include directives that pull in those status bar applets in your config.yaml: … g.yaml#L11