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So, I finally broke down and enabled Xcomposite and now my GTK apps don't redraw some widgets correctly on window resizes. I'm using GNOME and this problem seems to affect almost every app. I was wondering if anyone had heard of this issue or maybe if someone knew about a solution.
copy this to ~/.devilspie.xml and run devilspie (search aur and forum)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE devilspie SYSTEM "devilspie.dtd">
<!-- The root element is devilspie -->
<flurb name="default opacity">
<!--Match all windows-->
<matcher name="DevilsPieMatcherAlways"/>
<action name="DevilsPieActionOpacity">
<property name="opacity" value="0.9"/>
you will figure it out :twisted:
i installed devilspie, copied that config and added it to startup with X but I'm still getting window redraw problems.
Devilspie must be launched after the windowmanager. Put devilspie into gnome autostart instead of .xinitrc .
Well, now some stuff seems to work better, but the nautilus windows still don't always redraw correctly. For example, if I make a nautilus browser window larger, the status bar left in the filelist.
Found out this remedies more than devilspie. Open gconf-editor and check key /apps/metacity/general/reduced_resources or just runonce (no this is not registry )
gconftool-2 --set /apps/metacity/general/reduced_resources --type=bool true
If you want to transset manually again drop devilspie.