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#1 2011-07-27 17:59:39

Registered: 2009-02-05
Posts: 300

Brother MFC-7340 / cups-usblp - printer not detected

I've been having issues with this printer since some time last year.

It's a usb printer and in order to get it to function I had to NOT blacklist usblp and install cups-usblp from AUR.  Now localhost:631 shows the printer and I can print a test page but not a single app can see it.  Libreoffice says there are no printers detected.  So does chrome, leafpad, and systemsettings (kde).

I've set the printer as the default printer through the cups interface.
I'm running a pretty barebones openbox install if that matters at all.

Also, another strange thing - I just upgraded cups-usblp but cups still starts with /etc/rc.d/cups rather than /etc/rc.d/cupsd  - which also has me confused. 

I hate printers.


#2 2011-07-27 20:00:45

From: Great White North
Registered: 2008-01-23
Posts: 881

Re: Brother MFC-7340 / cups-usblp - printer not detected

I seem to recall having looked at the "what's new" page when using the web ui for cups.  Maybe there's something there or in the "HELP" section?


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