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just curious what you all use for this sort of stuff...
I just came across, and am monkeying with it now. I usually use Habari Xenu for RSS but just now installed Sage to see how fars it's come since the last time I used it...
(time passes)
Sage is ok... slightly better than HX, but still kinda crappy... anything better out there? HX and sage seem to be the most popular, but they're both lacking...
what about firefox's own livebooksmarks? i think they are crap myself but there you go
eh, I'm looking for something more along the lines of an auto-updating reader (why do none of them do this?) which lists feeds along with "X unread items".
sage is close, but it has some nuances...
for the record, though, rocks... check it out... basically a bookmark utility with a central server, and link sharing
ok, newsfox is really cool, but it's missing some features... maybe I'll hack on it and make it cool 8)
I use Liferea because I cant stand any of the firefox extensions, they all lacked something or another.
I think that Firefox's live bookmarks pretty much suck. I guess they could be used for the purpose of something like a news site, but not really all that practical as a feed reader for things like blogs. I would be interested in finding some good software as well, but I've been using Bloglines myself for awhile, and only find it adequate.
I preferred blam! but it was the only mono app I used so I removed it for some space. Liferea is actually quite good though and supports enclosures (podcasts forever)