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Hello, this is the line that's causing the problem:
#define SETPIXEL(surface,bits,x,y,pixel) surface->(Uint8 *)pixels[y * surface->w * bits + x * bits] = pixel
The problem occurs at the Uint8 pointer cast, here's the error:
error: expected identifier before ‘(’ token
I've tried many combinations of parenthesis, nothing seems to work.
Last edited by Jordanlw (2011-07-28 11:09:18)
What types are surface and pixels?
If We assume
char *pixels;
} surface;
Then this might work:
#define SETPIXEL(surface,bits,x,y,pixel) ((Uint8 *)(surface->pixels))[...] = pixel
I don't think you can ever cast a struct or class member after the -> operator.
Also note, of course, to make it a good macro you should add a set of parenthesis around each of the arguments to avoid surprising results if, for example, you pass "var + 1" for x or y.
Thanks for your response, I can't believe I forgot one of the most important details, the types of the struct & child are listed at I didn't add any safety parenthesis because I didn't want to confuse myself with all of them until the end.
EDIT: Responded before testing your solution, everything seems to be working, thanks.
Last edited by Jordanlw (2011-07-28 11:09:03)
A safer version would be this:
#define SETPIXEL(surface, bits, x, y, pixel) ((void)(((Uint8 *)(surface)->pixels)[(y) * (surface)->w * (bits) + (x) * (bits)] = (pixel)))
To avoid evaluating surface and bits twice, you can do this:
#define SETPIXEL(surface, bits, x, y, pixel) \
do { \
type *realsurface = (surface); \
type realbits = (bits); \
(Uint8 *)realsurface->pixels)[(y) * realsurface->w * realbits + (x) * realbits] = (pixel); \
} while (0)
It may be significantly nicer to do this, however:
inline void
set_surface_pixel(type *surface, type bits, type x, type y, Uint8 pixel)
Uint8 *pixels = (Uint8 *)surface->pixels;
pixels[y * surface->w * bits + x * bits] = pixel;
Last edited by tavianator (2011-07-28 14:15:55)
Pages: 1