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I decided to try putting ArchPPC on an old iBook. My first attempt has left me with an non-bootable system, but so it goes. I'm thinking I might stand a better chance on the second attempt if I were able to access the virtual consoles to see what's going on.
When the installer starts it tells me that consoles 1-4 are active. When it's downloading packages it tells me I can see the output on /dev/tty5. But I can't access any of them. Alt-F[1-5] do nothing, as do all the other likely seeming key combinations I've tried. Can anyone tell me how to access them?
Last edited by mikemikemike (2011-08-01 20:20:14)
The required key combo is FN-ALT-F[1-5] I guess FN-ALT is a combination I didn't try previously. Oh well.
For me ctrl-alt {function key} worked.