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I've always been using a python script for this. I found the curl command and decided to learn some bash and parse the output. I'm pretty sure there's a better way of chaining the sed commands but for the life of me I wasn't able to get it to work.Comments and criticism please.
#Script to check gmail
#Needed packages :: curl,sed,grep
#Created by Julian Gagnon
#Setting the variable
username="" #Input Gmail username here.
#OBD (On Bash Display)
echo "###############"
echo "Gmail Bashified"
echo "###############"
echo " "
read -p "Password : " -esr password
echo " "
curl -su "$username":"$password" -o /tmp/gmail.out # get the email and stick it in /tmp
#Parse xml file
grep -E "title|tagline|fullcount|summary|issued|name|email" /tmp/gmail.out \
|sed '/<summary><\/summary>/d'|sed '/<link/d'|sed '/<\/fullcount>/ a\ '\
|sed '/<\/email/ a\ '| sed -e :a -e 's/<[^<]*>/ /g;/</{N;s/\n/ /;ba;}'
# Delete temporary email
rm /tmp/gmail.out
Pages: 1