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#1 2011-08-04 16:23:32

Registered: 2010-10-29
Posts: 11

Arch on EC2 with kernel 2.6.39+

There has been a lot of work on Xen support with the last handful of kernel releases. I'm particularly interested in things starting with 2.6.38, but preferably 2.6.39 and up. I've found a few pretty good Arch Linux AMIs that have various older kernels, mainly 2.6.35. However, my attempts at updating this have failed. I haven't been able to get the latest 2.6.39 in upstream re-compiled and working with EC2's new PV-Grub. I'm pretty sure I've just got one of the steps messed up. I've also tried the kernel26-xen AUR package with no luck there, either.

So before I get into more specifics and more attempts at doing this, has anyone else had any luck getting Arch running on EC2 with a kernel version of 2.6.39 or higher?


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