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Since upgrading to KDE 4.7.0, the tooltips in libreoffice are unreadable (black text on black background). I've gone through all the libreoffice settings I can find but I don't see anywhere where I can change the tooltip colours. Any help would be much appreciated, thanks.
Last edited by tenlegger (2011-08-03 10:53:16)
Arch Linux x86_64 | KDE SC 4.7.2
AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ CPU | 4Gb RAM
nVidia 8500GT GPU
You're using a dark theme? There's fixes for dark themes floating around (more like hacks than fixes, but I use one of them), google should find them for you.
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I've managed to fix it thanks by changing the tooltip background colour, which was pretty obvious really after having a good look around System Settings.
Application Appearance -> Colours -> Colours -> Colour set:Tooltip -> Normal Background is where it's at
I should have looked there before posting, I suppose.
Arch Linux x86_64 | KDE SC 4.7.2
AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ CPU | 4Gb RAM
nVidia 8500GT GPU
Ditto here but no joy with the systemsettings settings and I use the standard colour scheme - nowt fancy.
Ouch, I didn't realize that I had to change the background colour to white but simply expected a "spoon fed" solution. Perhaps I shouldn't have used Mint the other day...
Last edited by toad (2011-08-05 07:18:30)
never trust a toad...
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