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#1 2011-08-08 14:40:40

From: Mumbai, India
Registered: 2011-04-27
Posts: 56

[SOLVED] Linux 3.0: Udev events failed to load

Hey Guys,

Nothing too alarming here. Just got this boot msg after upgrading to Kernel 3.0.

Loading udev events    [FAIL]

I'm checking my modules right now to see if something's missing. Any idea on how I can find out what failed?


Last edited by Dumbledore (2011-08-08 17:42:16)

GNU/Linux: Keep your options "open".


#2 2011-08-08 15:22:20

From: New York, USA
Registered: 2009-10-22
Posts: 4,111

Re: [SOLVED] Linux 3.0: Udev events failed to load

Perhaps you should take a better look at what's actually failing rather than guessing (see /var/log/boot). You've combined two messages:

"Triggering UDev uevents" (from line 319 of /etc/rc.d/functions)
"Loading Modules" (from line 328 of /etc/rc.d/functions)

Either way, you probably have modules that don't exist in /etc/rc.conf listed in the MODULES array. Would be useful to see the contents of that array.


#3 2011-08-08 17:41:38

From: Mumbai, India
Registered: 2011-04-27
Posts: 56

Re: [SOLVED] Linux 3.0: Udev events failed to load

Hey Falcon. Thanks for replying. Seems like we were both right. smile

My first guess was also to look in the modules. Just didn't think of looking for the rc.conf MODULES array. But there it was. vboxdrv. A call to /etc/rc.d/vboxdrv setup and all's good. Marking solved.

GNU/Linux: Keep your options "open".


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