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Just a short explanation: why is Linux 3.0 booting so fast? It almost instantly loads the daemons.
Best regards
Hell if I know, mine boots the same speed
Maybe I need to be more precise. The daemons are loading the same speed. But the time the boot sequenceneeds to reach the daemons is approx. 3 times faster!
Maybe I need to be more precise. The daemons are loading the same speed. But the time the boot sequenceneeds to reach the daemons is approx. 3 times faster!
I noticed this as well but I didn't take any measurements to prove it
My laptop running grub w/32 bit Arch (and my wife's) and our media center running Grub2 with 64bit arch all seemed to boot noticeably faster.
Maybe it's actually the new udev or initscripts rather than the kernel - I bet most of us didn't reboot until the new kernel appeared. In any case, I don't notice a big speedup here, but it was always very fast on my machines.
Maybe I need to be more precise. The daemons are loading the same speed. But the time the boot sequenceneeds to reach the daemons is approx. 3 times faster!
I upgraded my kernel to 3.0 today, I had the same impression.
Faster here too. I was getting tons of udev messages upon startup for the last few days that i never got before. That seemed to slow things down a lot. But now all that has gone.
my laptop is booting exactly the same with 3.0
Its all thanks to the awesome fixes to the initscripts, thank the arch devs!
Just measured my boot time, no difference here. Although I already had a quite optimized boot.
Probably not the kernel. The initscripts are more likely the reason. Unless this kernel used a different compression or something, which I doubt.
Initscripts for sure.
The Arch kernel maintainers added a "change-default-console-loglevel.patch" which probably decreases the verbosity of the boot messages displayed. I have "debug" on my kernel line so I don't notice.
How measure? Stopwatch, heartbeat or bootchart? Can haz sum pruf?
This silver ladybug at line 28...
How measure? Stopwatch, heartbeat or bootchart? Can haz sum pruf?
From my side I can only tell I measured by the heartbeat. Could be the initscripts and that the less output created improves the boot sequence. Since I only use the standard Archlinux installation I have a significant improvement. Maybe by eliminating the initscript output. But I was never aware of how fast it can boot!
Its all thanks to the awesome fixes to the initscripts, thank the arch devs!
Thanks to the Arch devs, I notice speed improvement after reboot using 3.0 for the first time
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I noticed the same, but also when booting Gentoo (with the 3.0 kernel). Anyhow, it's very welcome and perhaps I'll do away with e4rat now.
Last edited by Jelle (2011-08-09 07:50:06)
I'm not so sure. My desktop arch stops a tiny bit at "Probing EDD". Is EDD really needed on a desktop machine? Seems it is for bigger disks (8 TB?) or raid? I know that I haven't seen it before and that it is a kernel config parameter. It wasn't activated in 2.6.39 it seems. Anyhow, I put edd=off on my notebook kernel line and it booted a bit faster without problems. I will try it on my desktop as well.
Add 'loglevel=7' to the kernel command line. I bet it will be slower again.
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