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#1 2011-08-08 18:09:13

From: Bangalore, India
Registered: 2010-02-09
Posts: 258

{solved by re-install)System hung after linux3.0 update

Dear Archers
Since Arch home page said "To prevent you from breaking your system after the update, symlinks are created so that your bootloader configuration pointing to the old files will still work. However we recommend updating your ..."
I just rebooted without making any changes. Now, system hangs at GNOME3 log-in screen. No graceful exit also.Power off is the only way.
When I edited the bootloader by changing the vmlinuz26 to vmlinuz-linux and other changes as suggested on home page, boot says " Error15: file not found"

Mine is a dual boot system, with 2 hard disks. Disk identification is by UUID.
If I can get to 'terminal', I will edit concerned files, but now I am stuck.
What is the way out?
Has anybody tried going by the assurance on home page and found every thing works as before, after linux3.0 update?

Extremely frustrated the way Linux 3.0 upgradre went. Actually was looking forward to it.

For those of you that the Linux 3.0 upgrade went uneventfully, consider yourselves "Lucky"

Last edited by San2ban (2011-08-13 06:21:48)

Satyam eva jayate

Registered linux user #535257


#2 2011-08-08 18:25:21

Registered: 2007-09-16
Posts: 19

Re: {solved by re-install)System hung after linux3.0 update

I think you have to use chroot. Maybe does help?


#3 2011-08-08 18:31:25

Package Maintainer (PM)
From: Austria
Registered: 2008-08-19
Posts: 564

Re: {solved by re-install)System hung after linux3.0 update

San2ban wrote:

Dear Archers
Since Arch home page said "To prevent you from breaking your system after the update, symlinks are created so that your bootloader configuration pointing to the old files will still work. However we recommend updating your ..."
I just rebooted without making any changes. Now, system hangs at GNOME3 log-in screen. No graceful exit also.Power off is the only way.
When I edited the bootloader by changing the vmlinuz26 to vmlinuz-linux and other changes as suggested on home page, boot says " Error15: file not found"

I suspect a typo.

Mine is a dual boot system, with 2 hard disks. Disk identification is by UUID.
If I can get to 'terminal', I will edit concerned files, but now I am stuck.
What is the way out?

Pressing 'e' lets you edit the grub entries before booting and fix them. You will still need to fix /boot/grub/menu.lst once it's booted.
That said, chroots will also let you fix almost anything.

All of this is about the grub error. No idea about the GNOME3 hang, sorry.

Has anybody tried going by the assurance on home page and found every thing works as before, after linux3.0 update?

Working just fine here.


#4 2011-08-08 18:44:33

From: /dev/zero
Registered: 2011-02-28
Posts: 686

Re: {solved by re-install)System hung after linux3.0 update

I had the same "Error 15". What i have done was to edit menu.lst file in this way:
change /vmlinuz-linux to /boot/vmlinut-linux and
/initramfs-linux.img  to /boot/initramfs-linux.img

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.
Henry David Thoreau

Registered Linux User: #559057


#5 2011-08-08 18:52:31

From: Bangalore, India
Registered: 2010-02-09
Posts: 258

Re: {solved by re-install)System hung after linux3.0 update

Dear Shark

Since i cannot access terminal yet (for editing menu.lst), I did the suggested changes during boot itself. Still, no use. Again Error 15.

Dear fi-dschi
I do not have a live CD now, so I cant chroot. Will download and burn one

Satyam eva jayate

Registered linux user #535257


#6 2011-08-08 20:01:20

From: israel
Registered: 2010-09-11
Posts: 467

Re: {solved by re-install)System hung after linux3.0 update

use the edit option of the grub menu , like chuay said.



#7 2011-08-09 14:32:03

From: Bangalore, India
Registered: 2010-02-09
Posts: 258

Re: {solved by re-install)System hung after linux3.0 update

Dear Archers

I havw a folder called 'boot' on /dev/sdb3 in which linux 3.0 files, .img are saved.
But, grub boots from /boot. Even if i change the kernel path to /boot/vmlinuz...., it says file not found because it is searching it on sdb1 which has /boot.

are some files to be merged? pl. suggest

Satyam eva jayate

Registered linux user #535257


#8 2011-08-09 14:56:27

From: Bangalore, India
Registered: 2010-02-09
Posts: 258

Re: {solved by re-install)System hung after linux3.0 update

I do not see menu.lst.pacnew files. I wonder if initramfs really did generate?
Hopeless situation. Wish the symlinks mentioned on homepage had just worked

Satyam eva jayate

Registered linux user #535257


#9 2011-08-09 15:57:11

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 25,440

Re: {solved by re-install)System hung after linux3.0 update

San2ban wrote:

Dear Archers

I havw a folder called 'boot' on /dev/sdb3 in which linux 3.0 files, .img are saved.
But, grub boots from /boot. Even if i change the kernel path to /boot/vmlinuz...., it says file not found because it is searching it on sdb1 which has /boot.

are some files to be merged? pl. suggest

I'm soooo confused. Do you have /boot on a separate partition? Which partition is that: sdb1 or sdb3?
/dev/sdb3 in the menu.lst.pacnew is just an example, a placeholder, you need to edit it so that it points to the right partition.


#10 2011-08-09 16:38:36

From: Bangalore, India
Registered: 2010-02-09
Posts: 258

Re: {solved by re-install)System hung after linux3.0 update

Dear Karol
/boot is on sdb1, but new linux3.o files are saved in /dev/sdb3/boot. Actually sdb3 is my home.

Satyam eva jayate

Registered linux user #535257


#11 2011-08-10 02:47:46

Registered: 2010-03-19
Posts: 1,191

Re: {solved by re-install)System hung after linux3.0 update

_Please_ don't write "3.o" instead of "3.0"... You got me confused a moment, I was wondering why you were suddenly talking about a "linux3.o" object file...

Maybe your boot partition wasn't mounted at the time of the kernel upgrade.

When you edit the boot options in grub, you'll probably also need to change the "root(1,0)" (sdb1) so that it points to your root partition instead ("root(1,2)" for sdb3, I guess.)

Last edited by stqn (2011-08-10 02:49:03)


#12 2011-08-10 06:37:12

From: Bangalore, India
Registered: 2010-02-09
Posts: 258

Re: {solved by re-install)System hung after linux3.0 update


Sorry about that confusion

Now, I manually copied all the linux 3.0 files (by using a live cd) from /dev/sdb3/boot to  /dev/sdb1.
Now, worse situation. When I rebooted, GRUB error:17

Should I run fdisk?

Satyam eva jayate

Registered linux user #535257


#13 2011-08-11 15:10:12

Package Maintainer (PM)
From: Austria
Registered: 2008-08-19
Posts: 564

Re: {solved by re-install)System hung after linux3.0 update

Post the contents of the following files from your arch installation:


Also the contents of your arch /boot directory:

ls -la /boot

Again, make sure you're not accessing the files used by the livecd instead of the ones used by your arch installation. Also, another hint - grub has tab completion even when editing the boot entries. Use it to avoid file path typos/mistakes.

Last edited by schuay (2011-08-11 15:10:25)


#14 2011-08-11 15:54:19

From: Bangalore, India
Registered: 2010-02-09
Posts: 258

Re: {solved by re-install)System hung after linux3.0 update

Dear shuay

Earlier used a Arch 2010.05 live CD. Now using latest System Rescue CD (Distrowatch). This permits a browser, so I am able to reply
At the moment I am finding it troublesome to chroot with this CD. I am getting only gentoo files. Within an hour, will post it

Satyam eva jayate

Registered linux user #535257


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