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Up and till recently my Epson Stylus DX7400 was working perfectly. Now after a system update I get the following when I try to print a test page:-
Unsupported format 'application/vnd.cups-banner'!
In the cups error log is:-
E [11/Aug/2011:18:47:07 +0100] Returning IPP client-error-document-format-not-supported for Print-Job (ipp://localhost:631/printers/EPSON_Stylus_DX7400) from localhost
I'm running standard Arch Linux 64 bit using Cups 1.4.8-1 and the standard Epson Stylus DX7400 Gutenprint driver. Any help most appreciated. Many thanks in advance
Last edited by systemshq (2011-08-11 18:57:51)
i am experiencing similar issues. i use an Epson Stylus NX510 all-in-one, with the drivers supplied by avasys (through the AUR). it also happened just recently, after a system update.
packages i suspect may be involved that were recently updated were cups and libcups, the kernel, and udev. i have since downgraded cups and libcups with unsuccessful results, so i went ahead and re-updated them.
after some fiddling around and restarting my computer from a cold boot, my printer would receive some kinds of signals from my computer, and jobs would successfully show up in the print queue, but they would print out and it would just be an entirely black page, or a mostly black page with some streaky colors in it. something is going terribly wrong.
This probably won't be of any use to the OP, since even a test page does not work in his case, but I thought I'd throw it out just in case.
I connect to a Brother network printer, which always worked fine from an install of Arch that I stopped updating around the time Gnome 3 came out. I reinstalled to another partition and just recently installed CUPS and setup the printer (same PPD, copied old config files), but some print operations from FF fail. It's not random, some pages will always print, others never will. When a job fails the printer LCD briefly displays a message like 'data discarded'. If I print the page to a .ps file, and print the .ps file with 'lpp' it works fine.
But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.
-Lysander Spooner
I managed to solve the problem. I didn't have the foomatic packages installed so I installed the following:-
restarted cupsd dropped and re-created the printer selecting the foomatic version of the driver and now it all works nicely again. It seems now that the latest version of cups may need the foomatic packages to work correctly with some printers.
What driver did you choose? i can't find a specific one for my printer, and noticed that i don't see one specifying your printer either...
i have tried a couple of the foomatic drivers, but if i attempt to change the resolution or anything it starts going crazy (spitting out blank pages). obviously this is a driver issue.
Last edited by williamkray (2011-08-11 21:10:09)
I'm now using the Epson Stylus DX7400 Foomatic/gutenprint-ijs-simplified 5.2 driver with the default settings
Last edited by systemshq (2011-08-11 21:34:48)
not sure if this is the same problem but my epson RX580 stopped working after the latest update to the ghostscript package (it would only print out solid black pages). A package downgrade solved my problem.
Same here, cups stopped working after update for an Epson TX115, error is "client-error-document-format-not-supported" for simple pdfs. It can be fixed using foomatic drivers but up to yesterday the cups driver did it fine.
Notice that I did follow the instructions in the wiki to no avail:
cp /etc/cups/cupsd.conf.default /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
restart CUPS
i will confirm what thoughtcrimes said, after downgrading ghostscript to 9.02-2, my previous drivers work as they did before... we should all make sure to file a bug report. not sure if that should be done through arch, or through the ghostscript develpment team directly... never done that before.
EDIT: found someone that had posted the bug in arch bug tracker here
i believe it is an upstream issue, but i'm too lazy to create a bugzilla account to post on so i just added my two cents here.
Last edited by williamkray (2011-08-12 21:14:48)
Pages: 1