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I thought I should record these for posterity, as it seems there are a couple of nuances that the "Disk Cloning" wiki article is missing.
I just replaced my hard drive with a new, larger one (the old one was starting to make a nasty grinding noise). I changed some file system types and added a separate /boot partition in the process -- things I'd been meaning to do.
Following the "Disk Cloning" wiki article advice, I partitioned my new disk with gparted, and used "cp -a" from a LiveCD (Knoppix) to copy the partitions from the old drive to the new one. I then chroot'ed to the new drive and installed GRUB to the MBR. So far so good. (Don't forget to edit /etc/fstab on the new drive.)
I found that Arch would only run under the fallback image. I am out of my league here, but it seems that having changed the physical drive, I also needed to rebuild the kernel (mkinitcpio -p kernel26), a step not mentioned in the wiki article.
After rebuilding the kernel, Arch ran under the "normal" (non-"fallback") image as well. But I couldn't get X started with either image until I did a full system update. (Probably I should have done the full system update before cloning the disk -- a nice, common sense, idea that I didn't think of until too late. I don't know if that would have fixed the X problem.) I don't know why X wouldn't work (sorry, I didn't think to save the log files -- I was just trying to get it working again...), and I don't know what part of updating the system fixed it. But there it is: X might give you trouble after disk cloning, and a system update might fix it...
Hope that helps someone, someday.
Pages: 1