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HI !
I don't know if this post should stand here or in the newbie corner because i'm a total newbie, but i guess here is the right place.
I have installed archlinux yesterday and have some issue using it ( can't get internet work with my D-link USB )
I would like to install another operating system in parallel ( dual boot ) to get this driver...
The problem is that I can't eject the archlinux installation cd , ( eject button in my computer is not working ( Problem with drivers again ? ) ) and that the eject command does not exist.
How can i remove the cd from the tray ?
Thx for your support
About wireless read this post
About cdrom. Type:
eject /dev/sr0
Last edited by Shark (2011-08-16 13:51:49)
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.
Henry David Thoreau
Registered Linux User: #559057
problem solved using this tips : … drive.html
Sorry for the unconvenience
edit to reply to shark : ( eject is not found btw, that's what is weird )
Last edited by faboul (2011-08-16 13:49:59)
What about wireless - have you read the post and install firmware?
Please, tell what exact model do you have and post logs.
Last edited by Shark (2011-08-16 14:00:42)
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.
Henry David Thoreau
Registered Linux User: #559057
I can't get the firmware because I don't have internet working, so i can't use pacman
A straightened metal paper clip is the technician's best friend.
problem solved using this tips : … drive.html
Sorry for the unconvenience
edit to reply to shark : ( eject is not found btw, that's what is weird )
if you think that's weird, then try this on for size.
pacman -S eject
and then try the eject command.
it's part of extra, so you probably didn't have the program installed.
Hofstadter's Law:
It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.
edit to reply to shark : ( eject is not found btw, that's what is weird )
eject is in extra repository. You have to install it with pacman.
And as i said i don't have an Internet connection ^^ so i can't do that
swanson is right, personally i used a sewing needle
Problem Solved as i said. Second problem is the drivers for my d-link that i will try to install myself Thx all ^^
I can't get the firmware because I don't have internet working, so i can't use pacman
Plug in ethernet cable if you have it around and install it.
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put foundations under them.
Henry David Thoreau
Registered Linux User: #559057
it's unfortunately impossible the rooter is too far of my computer ( i'm in a student house )
can you use sneakernet and pacman -U?
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It's probably related to this bug:
If you can get eject installed, you probably still wont be able to eject unless you're root. I have this problem since udev 173-3. Downgrading to 172 fixes it.
The problem with the cdrom not ejecting when you press the eject button can be solved by adding
echo 2000 > /sys/module/block/parameters/events_dfl_poll_msecs
to your /etc/rc.local (and then either reboot, or calling "echo 2000 > /sys/module/block/parameters/events_dfl_poll_msecs" manually).
Pages: 1